Hi. I'm Kerrie.
Um, yeesh, what are you people doing here? I mean, seriously, of all the places on the 'Net you could be, and you're here. Gah. Oh, well, I'll try to make it interesting.
Once, I went fishing with my friend Greg, and I fell in the resevoir. It was pretty funny.
So, um, yeah. I'm 17 years old, soon to be 18, and a recent graduate of Middletown High School. Middletown's a nice community. We enjoy football, livestock and bowling, and quite a few of us are related to one another. On the up side, we are getting a Maynard's Grill and Piano Bar right in town. Yup, after you're done at the Family Dollar and the Tastee Freeze, you can chill over at Maynard's. Yeah. I've never been cowtipping, but I know people who have. Um, did I mention I graduated?
In August I'll be attending the University of Delaware. How about that? Cool, huh? I'm on full scholarship (we love you, DuPont family...) and I'm going to study engineering. Please don't ask me what engineers do, because the lady at the town newspaper did, and I didn't know what to say. I mean, I know what engineers do but... it's hard to explain, okay? Lots of math. We do lots of math.
I think Ewan MacGregor is really hot. Right now, he is number one on my list of hot guys. Yessir, I could stare at his Jedi butt all day-- did I just type that? Yeesh. Um, yeah. I also think B.D. Wong and Michael J. Fox are also incredibly attractive. Um, I think that's enough of that.
On the other end of the spectrum, there are a lot of people I think are really cool. Here's my entire list of heroes: Sylvia Plath, Takahashi Rumiko, John Muir, Amy Tan, Leibniz, Nakajima "the Tokyo Terror" Hirofumi (the dude ate 19 hot dogs in twelve minutes! How cool is that?), Natalie Portman and Charles Dodgeson (aka Lewis Carroll.) I think all these people are really awesome, and I want to be just like them when I grow up. Especially Hirofumi.
People always ask me what I look like. Y'know what? I look like a person. Brown hair, brown eyes, that's about it. Think about Bette Midler. Okay, now think as far away as you can get and still be human. There. That's me.
Y'know what's fun? White nail polish. It's almost as creepy as black nail polish, but you're not buying into that Goth movement stuff. People don't know what kind of statement you're trying to make. It confuses them, and in the end, they conclude "That's hideous nail polish. But it's gotta be cool, or else she wouldn't be wearing it." Yeah. Besides, it makes my mom really mad.
I don't have a car. A lot of people can't understand that, but right now, I don't even want one. I mean, really, I'd just own it for three months, then I'd have to sell it again. What a waste. I'm saving my money for retirement, man.
My mom gives me a hard time because I like toys. Y'know, I could be on drugs or something, but no, she gets mad at me because I have a Captain Shang action figure from Mulan. I really want a Power of the Force Han Solo in Carbonite. I've yet to find one, though, although I do own TPM Obi-Wan and Padme. In the realm of X-Men action figures, I've got Blink, Magik (complete w/flame-shooting Lockheed) and Deadpool, with retractable blade. I've also got some Playmobil men, but I don't think they count as action figures. They're fun, though. My ninja, his name's Lee, sat in my pocket during my AP tests. What a pal.
Mimes give me the creeps.
So do Peeps.
What have I been going on about for the last twenty minutes? Nothing. I've been ranting about nothing. Man, get outta here, already.
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