X-Force Fanfiction

You buy the comic. You read the comic. You love the comic. You read the comic three more times. You think about the comic. You talk to your friends about the comic. You wish it was next month. So runs the life of the comic addict. But there is way to help! You don't have to be doomed to this dismal life of boredom for 28 days out of the month! For here, like the heaped jewels of Ali Baba's cave lies my collection of X-Force Fanfiction! (Okay, so it doesn't have pictures, but hey, it's enough to give you a comic fix! Whoohoo!)

And remember, YOU, yes, YOU, can make this archive grow. How? Duh, silly, write your own story. Read it over, spellcheck it, send it to me, and if I like it, I'll archive it. My only submission rules are 1) I have to like it, and 2) Under PG-13. Not too hard, huh? Also, if you're interested in entering your fanfics in a cool contest, or just getting a review of them (don't worry, no one has to see it if you don't want) go to the Proshes Tell 'em I sent you. Okay, onto the goods.

Stuff I Wrote That Gets Named First 'Cos This is My Page

One more time, fanmail goes: here

Okay, just a warning, most of this stuff, I wrote a coupla years ago, so there's a lot of dated humor (not to mention a lot of just plain unfunny humor) In general it's been well-received, though I'm a little embarrassed of it. I've started on a new piece of writing, definitely in a more serious vein. I've also (jeez, I'm almost embarrassed to admit this) tried writing a coupla Star Wars fanfics (my sister encourages me shamelessly). They're kinda silly, but if you really, really wanna read them, email me, and after you promise not to make fun of them, I might let you read 'em. I'm warning you, though, they're goobery.

A Love/Hate Kinda Thing This is the first X-Force story I ever wrote. It's sort of amusing. And, for bragging sake, this is my proof that I called the Tabby- Bobby romance almost six months before it happened.

It's Too %&^$# Hot in Here! Also known as the Slip'n'Slide story. Definitely one of my most popular stories to date, it's basically what happens when X-Force gets hot and bored. For the interested, this story won the 1998 Comic Book Fanfiction Award for Best X-Force story. Here's my trophy

The Last Straw A short MLF story. Good for a laugh.

The Rhythm is Gonna Get You, the Official Riverdance Story |Part 1|Part 2| Um, I think the title speaks for itself. Terry joins Riverdance, chaos ensues. The sort of thing you've come to expect from me.

Getting Out of the Box, or a Mime is a Terrible Thing to Waste The infamous mime story! This is the only place on the 'net you can get it.

X-Force vs. the Peeps |Intro|Part 1|Part 2|Part 3| My latest venture into the genre of weird, nonsensical fanfiction. X-Force wages battle against the ultimate evil: Peeps. Sort of a bizarre amalgamation of the Princess Bride and Toastbusters.


A Leader's Lesson Sam feels lost and confused in his new roll as an X-Men... until he gets assigned to helping his old teacher, Magneto.

New Mutants Reunion |Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5|Part 6|Part 7|Part 8|Part 9|Part 10|Epilogue| When the old members of the New Mutants get together, they plan to reminisce and have some good times. At least until a certain demonic sorceress classmate of theirs shows up...

Samy "Mash" Merchi

X-Force: In the Shadows of the Future A darker, grittier version of what X-Force may become someday...

Valentine's Night A sweet holiday story about what happens when Bobby finally gets the nerve up to ask Dani on a date.

Red Monster

From the Heart A nifty little story for all you Deadpool fans, in which Wade realizes how stupid he is.


I'm sorry, but Just Lucky, I Guess just got too big to archive. This is a remote link to the copy on Darqstar's lovely page. Sorry for the inconvienence.

Alicia McKenzie

When Flowers Just Don't Cut It We've all seen X-Force beat the crap out each other when they're in battle. This is what happens afterwards.

Perri Smith

The Hard Way When Siryn gets kidnapped by Genoshan terrorists, it seems like her only hope is that merc-with-a-mouth known as Deadpool and his kid sister Delphi. That is, if they can decide which side they're on...


Cable's Room A cute li'l Home Alone-type story where Tabby and Ric end up stuck at home by themselves, and decide to go exploring...

The Super-Terrific Stories of Smitty

For the curious, Smitty paid a large promotional fee to have the adjectives added to her stories. Actually, she didn't but she is my sis, and she can kill a man with her bare hands, so I just make her happy. :)

Playing Catch-Up Rictor returns after one of his trips home, only to find out that nothing ever stays the same around X-Force.

Strange Happenings Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5|Part 6 X-Force moves. Bobby watches Magnum. Jimmy kvetches. And, oh yeah, X-Force might just be haunted.

That's all I've got for now. Send these people mail! They love it! Trust me! And remember, that 500 page X-Force manuscript just might have a place on this page. You never know 'til you try!

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