Everything You Need to Know About

Where to start...? Well, the most imporant thing to know about X-Force is that it's the coolest comic book ever. Well, it is. It is published monthly by Marvel Comics, and can be purchased at your local comic shop, book store, drug store, etc., etc. It was created by (shudder) Rob Liefeld. It is currently written by John Francis Moore, and penciled by Adam Pollina, although the creative team has changed many times throughout the year. Here are My Thoughts on Various Creative Teams.

Here's Some Ancient History about how X-Force got started.

Ye Olde Character Profiles


Bad Guys

Miscellaneous Characters

Attention! Warning! Most of these profiles contain horribly volatile contents! Namely, my opinions! I think it's pretty obvious which is fact and which is rant, but don't get confused. I apologize for the inconvienence.


Questions, comments or contributions? Email me at dsrtnomad@aol.com

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