Top 36+ Ways to Tell You're Addicted to X-Force

  1. You watch "Boston Common" because Boyd reminds you of Cannonball.
  2. You practice your Irish accent.
  3. You took Spanish to figure out what Rictor is saying all the time.
  4. You've bought New Mutants back-issues just to laugh at Sam and 'Berto during puberty.
  5. You find yourself wondering what happened to Gadreevas 1-6.
  6. You have your own theory on that whole Reignfire mess.
  7. You have sent death threats to Rob Liefeld.
  8. Forget Warpath and Deadpool, you think Siryn and Shatterstar should get together.
  9. You cried when the X-Ternals died.
  10. You can't read Adjectiveless X-Men anymore, because you can't stand to see Sam get abused so much.
  11. You get mad when people spell Teresa T-H-E-R-E-S-A.
  12. You start talking in third person, and then say, "Oops, pulled a Caliban, there."
  13. You have a hat with aviator goggles.
  14. You wear the hat with aviator goggles.
  15. You want the old Boomer back.
  16. You hated Risque from the start.
  17. You just know Feral'll be back some day.
  18. You buy DEADPOOL because Terry guest stars sometimes.
  19. You wear purple and gold. All the time.
  20. You know who Prosh is.
  21. You know what Shatterstar's mutant power is.
  22. You have nightmares where you're drawn like a chicken.
  23. You beat yourself up trying to figure out who Domino's ex-husband was.
  24. You can name everyone in the Six-Pack.
  25. You read "Devil's Due" and freaked out, saying "Sam can't die! He's an X-Ternal!"
  26. You think you've got the Guthries sorted out.
  27. You think you've got the Richters sorted out.
  28. You've noticed the similarities between the Guthries and the Richters.
  29. You think the Guthries are the Richters.
  30. You framed the "Xavier's School of Hard Knocks" ad, and hung it up.
  31. It doesn't bother you that X-Force doesn't get harassed by Zero Tolerance, Onslaught, Sinister, or the Sentinels. You figure, hey, the Externals and the MLF, that's plenty of villians for one group.
  32. You miss Fabian and his "in-your-face jams."
  33. You've stopped wondering where Cable and Domino get their weaponry.
  34. You've used the phrase "Madre de Dios!" without knowing what it means.
  35. Shatterstar's hair doesn't make you giggle anymore.
  36. You have your own theory on who Tabby's mother is. (Knowing Marvel, she's probably one of those *^%@# Summers') --From Darkchilde
  37. You get torked whenever you see Warpath drawn with facial hair! -Red Monster.
  38. As far as you're concerned, Cannonball just joined the X-Men because he wouldn't be caught dead in those purple-and-yellow uniforms.--Red Monster
  39. You've developed your own theories on "The Shatterstar Thing" (the whole "origin of Shatterstar" thing was very unclear and just plain confusing).-- Vanna2552

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