Top 36+ Ways to Tell You're Addicted to X-Force
- You watch "Boston Common" because Boyd reminds you of Cannonball.
- You practice your Irish accent.
- You took Spanish to figure out what Rictor is saying all the time.
- You've bought New Mutants back-issues just to laugh at Sam and 'Berto during
- You find yourself wondering what happened to Gadreevas 1-6.
- You have your own theory on that whole Reignfire mess.
- You have sent death threats to Rob Liefeld.
- Forget Warpath and Deadpool, you think Siryn and Shatterstar should get together.
- You cried when the X-Ternals died.
- You can't read Adjectiveless X-Men anymore, because you can't stand to see Sam get
abused so much.
- You get mad when people spell Teresa T-H-E-R-E-S-A.
- You start talking in third person, and then say, "Oops, pulled a Caliban, there."
- You have a hat with aviator goggles.
- You wear the hat with aviator goggles.
- You want the old Boomer back.
- You hated Risque from the start.
- You just know Feral'll be back some day.
- You buy DEADPOOL because Terry guest stars sometimes.
- You wear purple and gold. All the time.
- You know who Prosh is.
- You know what Shatterstar's mutant power is.
- You have nightmares where you're drawn like a chicken.
- You beat yourself up trying to figure out who Domino's ex-husband was.
- You can name everyone in the Six-Pack.
- You read "Devil's Due" and freaked out, saying "Sam can't die! He's an X-Ternal!"
- You think you've got the Guthries sorted out.
- You think you've got the Richters sorted out.
- You've noticed the similarities between the Guthries and the Richters.
- You think the Guthries are the Richters.
- You framed the "Xavier's School of Hard Knocks" ad, and hung it up.
- It doesn't bother you that X-Force doesn't get harassed by Zero Tolerance, Onslaught,
Sinister, or the Sentinels. You figure, hey, the Externals and the MLF, that's
plenty of villians for one group.
- You miss Fabian and his "in-your-face jams."
- You've stopped wondering where Cable and Domino get their weaponry.
- You've used the phrase "Madre de Dios!" without knowing what it means.
- Shatterstar's hair doesn't make you giggle anymore.
- You have your own theory on who Tabby's mother is. (Knowing Marvel, she's probably one of those *^%@# Summers') --From Darkchilde
- You get torked whenever you see Warpath drawn with facial hair!
-Red Monster.
- As far as you're concerned, Cannonball just joined the X-Men because he
wouldn't be caught dead in those purple-and-yellow uniforms.--Red Monster
- You've developed your own theories on "The Shatterstar Thing" (the whole "origin of Shatterstar" thing was very unclear and just plain confusing).-- Vanna2552
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