Well if your visiting this page you probably either found it by accident
or by my leaving the URL for it all over the world. This edit of my webpage
marks the 2-year anniversary of its existence, however it wasn't always
like this. It started out as a Warez page and was a big site the first
month of its existence.
Those were the days, summer 1997. I had a 28.8, P-133, and a huge 2.7 gig
hard drive. Quake was the game that revolutionized what was considered
multiplayer. I'm a huge Quake ThunderWalker CTF fan; however since I haven't
played in years, quite frankly, I suck.
The second version of this page came a year later, in summer 1998. Quake
TWCTF died, and I was depressed, so I changed my "never updated" Warez
site to a memorial page. At that point we all knew Quake2 sucked, so what
was the use?
Now once again a year later, I have graduated from high school, and its
time for a new page. I'm glad I found a replacement for my beloved Quake
TW. I got hooked on a Quake2 mod called Action Quake. As one of the original
Action Quake "founders", I still play it a lot. I'm glad that C&C2
Tiberium Sun finally made it, and now that Quake3 Test is shaping up, things
are starting to feel just like the old days. So I had to ask myself what
should I do with my old webpage, and I guess I just figured I'd let you
all know just what I am up to, and also too look back.
And of course, I have to brag about my current system. :) It's a Celeron
300A running at a stable 450Mhz with dual Voodoo2s, a nice Viper V770 32 Meg card
(TNT2 Ultra), and the
necessary 128 Megs of ram with two hard drives, 13 & 8.4 gigs each.
Of course I can't forget the CD-RW and 21" NEC ProSeries monitor ($1,350
retail, got off Ebay for under $400), or the USR 56K modem
(the BEST 56k you can buy hands down), and 100BT network card for my home
But what really kept me playing was DSL. I got it spring 1999 as soon as
it became available in our city. Because we have GTE as our phone company,
the idiots only give you a small 768kbps down and 128kbps up. However I
can't complain about the 90K/sec downloads or the 60ms pings. Yeah, Jerm
finally arrived. (For a total of around $50/month though, expensive!) The
other fun thing I've been doing since I got my P-133 was lanparties. Great
fun. My parents never figured out why anyone would want to bring $2000
of equipment packed into a car to someone's house for an evening just to
play games! Anyway, go view my older pages, and ICQ me @ 3490253. Since
I am never happy with this webpage, you can bet soon enough I'll get some
good HTML editor and do things right, but until then, Have Fun, Be Young,
Drink Pepsi.
Quake Memorial (from there you can link to the warez page)
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© 1999 coolwerty@hotmail.com