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These are tables for special items in Diablo. They tell what to look for in a name and what the items gets because of it.

AmberResist All by 17% to 18%
Angel'sIncrease all spells by 1 level
Arch-Angel'sIncrease all spells by 2 levels
AwesomeIncrease Armor by 135% to 150%
AzureResist Lightning by 24% to 25%
BlueResist Lightning by 10% to 18%
BountifulAdds 3x the Charges to Staves
BrassDecreases % to Hit by 1 to 4
BronzeIncreases % to Hit by 1 to 5
BrutalIncreases % to Damage by 81 to 90
BurgundyResist Fire by 31% to 40%
ChampionsIncreases % to Damage by 126 to 150
Increases % to Hit by 51 to 75
ClumsyDecreases % to Damage by 45 to 65
Decreases % to Hit by 1 to 5
CobaltResist Lightning by 41% to 50%
CrimsonResist Fire by 21% to 50%
CrystalResist Magic by 41% to 50%
DeadlyIncreases % to Damage by 38 to 45
Diamond Resist Magic by 51% to 60%
Dragon's Mana +51 to 60
Drake's Mana +41 to 50
Dull Decreases % to Damage by 20 to 40
Decreases % to Hit by 4 to 5
Emerald Resist All by 41% to 50%
Fine Increases AC by 20% to 30%
Frog's Mana -1 to 10
Glorious Increases AC by 71% to 90%
Godly Increases AC by 171% to 200%
Gold Increases % to Hit by 25 to 27
Grand Increases AC by 41% to 50%
Heavy Increases % to Damage by 51 to 65
Holy Increases AC by 151% to 170%
Hyena's Mana -11 to 25
Hydra's Mana +81 to 100
Iron Increases % to Hit by 6 to 8
Ivory Resist General Magic by 31% to 40%
Jade Resist All by 21% to 30%
Jagged Increases % to Damage by 20 to 35
King's Increases % to Damage by 151 to 175
Increases % to Hit by 76 to 100
Knight's Increases % to Damage by 100 to 105
Increases % to Hit by 31 to 40
Lapis Resist Lightning by 31% to 40%
Lord's Increases % to Damage by 81 to 95
Increases % to Hit by 21 to 30
Massive Increases % to Damage by 96 to 110
Master's Increases % to Damage by 105 to 115
Increases % to Hit by 41 to 50
Mithril Increases % to Hit by 41 to 60
Merciless Increases % to Damage by 151 to 175
Metioric Increases % to Hit by 61 to 80
Obsidian Resist All by 35% to 37%
Pearl Resist General Magic by 21% to 30%
Platinum Increases % to Hit by 31 to 40
Plentiful Adds 2x the Charges to Staves
Red Resist Fire by 15%
Ruby Resist Fire by 51% to 60%
Rusted Decreases AC by 25% to 50%
Ruthless Increases % to Damage by 126 to 150
Saintly Increases AC by 111% to 130%
Sapphire Resist Lightning by 51% to 60%
Serpent's Mana +30 to 35
Sharp Increases % to Damage by 20 to 35
Increases % to Hit by 1 to 5
Silver Increases % to Hit by 16 to 20
Snake's Mana +21 to 30
Soldier's Increases % to Damage by 66 to 80
Increases % to Hit by 16 to 20
Spider's Mana +10 to 15
Steel Increases % to Hit by 11 to 15
Strong Increases AC by 31% to 35%
Sturdy Increases AC by 20% to 30%
Tin Decreases % to Hit by 6 to 10
Topaz Resist All by 10% to 15%
Useless Decreases % to Damage by 80
Valiant Increases AC by 56% to 70%
Vulnerable Decreases AC by 51% to 100%
Warrior's Increases % to Damage by 51 to 65
Increases % to Hit by 11 to 15
Weak Decreases % to Damage by 30
Weird Increases % to Hit by 81 to 100
White Resist Magic by 10% to 20%
Wyrm's Mana +61 to 80
Absorpotion Decreases damage taken by 3
Accuracy Increases Dexterity by 13 points
Ages Indestructible
Atrophy Decreases Dexterity by 1 to 5 points
Balance Faster Hit Recovery
Bashing Damage's target's armor by 8 to 24 (AC)
Bat Adds 3% damage to Mana
Bear Knocks Target Back
Blood Adds 5% damage to Hit Points
Brilliance Increases Magic by 11 to 15 points
Brittleness Decrease in Durability by 26% to 75%
Burning Extra Fire attack gives 1 to 16 damage
Carnage Increases Damage by 14 to 16
Corruption Lose all of your Mana
Craftsmanship Increase in Durability by 52% to 100%
Crusader's 50% of the previous attack's Damage, is added to the next attack
Dark Decreases Light by 4 squares
Dexterity Increases Dexterity by 1 to 6
Eagle Increases Hit Points by 21 to 30
Fire Extra Fire attack gives 1 to 6 damage
Flame Extra Fire attack gives 1 to 3 damage
Fool Decreases Magic by 7
Fox Increases Hit Points by 10 to 15
Fragility Durability becomes 1
Giant Increases Strength by 16 to 18
Gore Increases Damage by 10 to 12
Harmony Fastest Hit Recovery
Haste Faster Attack
Health Decrease Damage taken by 1
Heavens Increases all Attributes by 12 to 15
Jackal Decreases Hit Points by 1 to 10
Jaguar Increases Hit Points by 18 to 20
Leech Steals 3% of Damage given and adds it to life
Life Decreases Damage taken by 4
Light Increases Light by 2 squares
Lightning Extra Lightning that does 1 to 10 Damage
Lion Increases Hit Points by 55
Magic Increases Magic by 1 to 5
Might Increases Strength by 6 to 10
Mind Increases Magic by 6 to 10
Moon Increases all attributes by 4 to 7
Night Decreases Light by 2 squares
Osmosis Decreases Damage taken by 6
Pain Increases Damage taken by 4
Paralysis Decreases Dexterity by 6 to 10
Perfection Increases Dexterity by 21 to 30
Piercing Decreases target's AC by 2 to 6
Pit Decreases all attributes by 1 to 5
Plenty High Durability (for bows only)
Power Increases Strength by 11 to 15
Precision Increases Dexterity by 16 to 20
Protection Decreases Damage taken by 2
Puncturing Decreases target's AC by 4 to 12
Quality Increases Damage by 1 to 2
Radiance Increases Light by 4 squares
Readiness Faster Attack
Shock Extra Lightning Attack does 1 to 6 damage
Skill Increases Dexterity by 6 to 10
Sky Increases all Attributes by 1 to 3
Slaughter Increases Damage by ?
Slaying Increases Damage by ?
Sorcery Increases Magic by 16 to 20
Speed Faster Attack
Spikes Attacker takes 1 to 10 damage
Stability Faster hit recovery
Stars Increases all Attributes by 8 to 11
Strength Increases Strength by 1 to 5
Structure Increase in Durability by 104% to 120%
Sturdiness Increase in Durability by 26% to 50%
Tears Increases Attack Damage by 1
Thief Half Damage taken by traps
Thorns Attacker takes 1 to 6 damage
Thunder Extra Lightning Attack does 1 to 20 damage
Tiger Increases Hit Points by 45 to 50
Titan Increases Strength by 21 to 30
Trouble Decreases All Attributes by 6 to 10
Vampire 6% of Damage given is added to Mana
Vigor Increases Vitality by 16 to 20
Vileness Enemies Stop Healing
Vitality Increases Vitality by 1 to 5
Vulture Decreases Hit Points by 11 to 25
Weakness Decreases Strength by 1 to 5
Whale Increases Hit Points by 81 to 100
Wizardry Increases Magic by 21 to 30
Wolf Increases Hit Points by 21 to 30
Zest Increases Vitality by 6 to 10
Zodiac Increases all Attributes by 16 to 20