the silver dragon points to the sign at the entrance of the lobby.
"Please feel welcome out of the chilly wind. While it is not much warmer in here, at least the wind is not biting... Of course, how silly of me, I will describe myself in order for you to imagine more of what I look like."
"I do hope that you find my home a place where you would like to visit time and time again. I do like company. Have a wonderful time exploring!" :8) She smiles as she sweeps her arm to doorway of the hallway. "Oh! And there are signs along the way."
If you enjoyed your time here, or have any other comments please sign the guestbook.
I visit all of the pages that guests inscribe into my guestbook or send through my e-mail.
If you have ICQ and would like to get ahold of me, here is my number: 5879665.
16 October 2007
Oh goodness... well I know that I've updated some other pages since 2005, however I seem not to have included that on here. But here is one update, here is a link for the Ford Warriors in Pink myspace site:
27 July 2005
Well, well, Look who stumbles in... myself! I'm fairly proud of myself, updated one page, created another of pictures of Dominic and all after Dominic decided to turn my computer off... ~sighs~ Hatchlings, I tell you... Now if only I can find out what I did with that Halloween picture of the hatchie babies...
30 April 2004
More Pictures! And guess what? I've made a page for Kara too, look at her dance! For updated pictures of baby Dominic.For pictures of Kara. I want to put some older ones of Kara up also, and I'll get to the other family photos soon, I hope! Also, I'm putting up the Family Room page in order to link those albums to somewhere other than just the updates.
3 April 2004
For those who've been waiting to see some pictures of our new hatchling, here they are! Dominic's Pictures
1 September 2003
I guess it's been awhile! No excuses, just glad to be living. I plan on adding a family page as well especially for those who enjoy picture updates.
I have done one update between January 2002 and now, I have joined the Ring of Dragon Poets. Please go back to the entrance to follow the Ring. Now I must Really get those scrolls moved in!
20 January 2002
The library page is back up with the new theme. There will be scrolls of poems, stories, and just plain fun for the next update.
18 December 2001
The Alt.Fan.Dragons webring moved recently. As I was in the middle of
revising, I added the new navigation code.
I am waiting to hear about a new webring that sounds exciting- A poetry/literary Dragons' webring. ^_^
And the best news of them all- This update area!!
beings have wandered into this cavern since 4 July 1999...