I am just putting this together, so excuse the mess!
As you navigate my pages, you will sometimes bump into Mycroft, who doesn't care that he isn't... relevent, ooops, and here he is now!
Once I get my scanner working, I'll post some pictures of the real Mycroft who is
quite as mischievous as his namesake in The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
by R. A. Heinlein. A book which is in my personal opinion one of the best science
fiction stories ever written. (I am also a Sherlock Holmes fan so there is a
second reason for the name, Mycroft was Holmes' older brother. -- For fans of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, in the excellent PBS Mystery Series, Mycroft
was played by Charles Gray.)
Currently, my favorite shows include Highlander, The X-Files, Millenium, Voyager
The Pretender, and Babylon 5. Needless to say, I am waiting rather impatiently for
the next season to start. Although the delay was rather fortunate, actually, because
I tape everything, and I think I have finally caught up with most of the shows instead
or being consistently two or three weeks behind.
Please bear with me, I am just getting started. Aside from the computer, and the shows
mentioned above, my hobbies include: my cat, pottery(on the wheel),stain glass, and Celtic music. Just a warning so you won't be surprised when some non-Sci-Fi related sites start
to creep in. I have started a movie reviews page (only one review so far - Event Horizon).
I have also added a book review page and I would welcome any
feedback, discussion, etc. In addition I have included one piece
of fiction The Phantom.
Additional poetry will probably be coming later. I have a few pieces that are in progress.
I have also just completed a favorite books page.
Future additions to this page will include a Sherlock Holmes page,
and possibly a page on pottery and stain glass. Also, I am still planning to post
some fan fiction at some time, but work has taken over lately so be patient.
For an incredible fan fiction page check out Fan Fiction on the NET.
It is very well maintained and a fantastic one stop resource for fan fiction.
As you travel through my pages, Mycroft will bring you back here.
As this page will probably be permanently under construction, please check back
often, and please sign my guest book.