Subject: Frequently Asked Questions List
Followup-To: poster
Summary: Information on fantasy author David Eddings and
frequently covered topics in the
Archive-name: sf/david-eddings-faq
Posting-Frequency: bi-monthly
Last-modified: 1997/02/21
Version: 2.0
The David Eddings
Frequently Asked Questions List
- About David Eddings
- Biographical Information
- Bibliography
- Titles (includes U.S. and British ISBNs, and U.S. Publishers)
- German Titles
- Finnish Titles
- French Titles
- Swedish Titles
- Italian Titles
- Miscellaneous Information
- Omnibus Editions
- "The Losers": Copyright date vs. creation date
- Where to Write to David Eddings
- Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
- The systems of magic and worlds that David Eddings have created don't always seem very logical. Why?
- I've got this great idea about who should be in a movie..
- Gee, has anyone noticed that the plots of Eddings' fantasies are all kind of similar?
- Inconsistencies
- Editing errors
- The infamous Chaldan/Chamdar misprint
- The wandering L's
- Boneheaded errors
- The name of Brand's oldest son
- Gared/Geran
- Illogical/inconsistent actions
- Durnik vs. Brill
- Asharak/Chamdar
- Dryads (a.k.a. The Thread That Will Not Die)
- Immortality (a.k.a. The Other Thread That Will Not Die)
- What, precisely, does the mark on Garion's hand signify?
- So, what exactly *is* on Garion's amulet?
- The meaning of 'Bel' and 'Pol'.
- Why isn't 'Durnik' called 'Beldurnik'?
- Why can't Zedar get out of that hole Belgarath put him in?
- Speaking of Zedar, don't you think his punishment was a bit too harsh?
- Inconsistencies
- Terms that can be confused
- Elene/Elenian
- Patriarch/Primate
- Illogical gaps in the story
- Who exactly has touched the Bhelliom?
- Sephrenia and Aphrael's flying
- What God is supporting Zalasta's spells when he crashes Sephrenia and Vanion's wedding?
- Where do the renegade Styrics get their power?
- Why couldn't Sparhawk let King Wargun know that he was looking for Bhelliom?
- Immortality (The Elenium Derivative)
- Will Eddings write more on Sparhawk and the gang?
The newsgroup
- Will anyone here be offended if I choose a character's name as my alias?
- Are there any rules on this newsgroup?
- Any special features I should watch for?
- Who the heck is Celine and what does she have to do with Eddings?
- Eddings Resources
- newsgroup
- IRC #eddings
- Web pages
- The Recommended Fantasy Author List
- Credits and Thanks
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