Cybertron's Brand New Homepage!

Cybertron's Brand-New Homepage!!!

Sylvia & Katie's Paranoid Nail-Polish Page All the cool mix-yer-own nail-polish tips you can handle, and numerous gratuitous X-files references to boot!


Organic Baby Computer

Crystal Violet

Welcome and thanx for coming to still-under-construction homepage. Hope you didn't get here by doing a search on the X-files, because I decided not to put my fan fiction on this page after all, at least for now, after sending that description to a pile of search engines. Sorree!! You'll find more X-fic than you can stomach, including mine, at the Gossamer archive- scroll down a little for the link. Send comments/concerns/flames about this page to Cybertron at

Quotes of the Week

"We live in a world where the fear of illusion is real" -the Tea Party

"Where am I- Shelbyville???" -Homer Simpson

Gratuitous just-in-case-some-idiot-erases-my-bookmarks List-O-Links:

Fanfiction On The Net

The Gossamer X-Files Fan-Fiction Archive: Long Live Gossamer!!!

Obsse: The Cult of St Scully the Enigmatic, and their even more enigmatic Kitchen Crew

An Index of Poetry on the Net

Canadian World Domination

Biotechnology Educational Resources

Blue Ribbon Anti-Censorship Campaign

Um, the rest of the page is just the same stuff as above, repeated... not quite sure how that happend (nervous giggle). Isn't it wondrous how even a total techno-wimp like me can have their very own web page? I guess that's the miracle of Geocities.   Cybertron's Brand New Homepage!

  Cybertron's Brand New Homepage!

Cybertron's Brand-New Homepage!!!

Yeah, I know, if you came to this url within the last couple of weeks you got a title and a blank page, without so much as a scroll bar. Even the bleeping counter was gone! I'm sorry. I don't know what happened to my files, although there's obviously some kind of conspiracy involved. Anyway, until I get some actual content up here's my favourite links. And yeah, it's not brand new anymore, but I don't know html and if I try to change the stupid title my computer will probably blow up. Kung-Fu Larry will probably be up before the end of summer if I give his creator a really hard kick in the butt, and if you want to see the kewl X-files-related nailpolish page, send me an email with 'Sylvia help Katie with the f***ing nailpolish page' in the header, and I'll pass it on to the interested parties. It's:

Fanfiction On The Net

The Gossamer X-Files Fan-Fiction Archive: Long Live Gossamer!!!

Obsse: The Cult of St Scully the Enigmatic, and their even more enigmatic Kitchen Crew

An Index of Poetry on the Net

Canadian World Domination

Biotechnology Educational Resources

Blue Ribbon Anti-Censorship Campaign

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