Darions World

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"Welcome To Darion's World"
I will be working on the site for the next week so check back soon for updates.
Hey Everyone...First off lets get to me... I am 30 years old, I live in San Antonio, Texas and I love Fantasy!!! as you can well see,.. I have been playing RPG games for almost 19 years and it still is a great pass time for me. I am a Daddy to two great boys, Trevor (7) and Devon (4)...Which I hope will enjoy Gaming as much as I do. I spend some spare time playing computer RPG games like Diablo, War Craft II, Ultima Online, StarCraft, and the newest Baulders Gate...to name a few...And I am waiting for Diablo II to hit the market ...*sigh*... I also like throwing darts, and dancing at rock and country clubs when I'm not otherwise involved..HeHe.

I am always lookin for new adventures to join whether it be: Dark Sun, Forgotton Realms, Rune Quest, Dragonlance, or any other AD&D Original games. E-Mail me if you know of any games going via: On-line, E-Mail, or near my home city of San Antonio.
I have also Dabbled in the Realm of: Magic The Gathering and am as I can say a fair player.

I've spent time also chatting on the internet in PowWow. So a big hello to my friends: Spammage (Spam Man), Thumper (I know ya changed your name...lol), ZIG MAN (ZIGGY30), SWEET!, Lorilei, CIN-CIN, carla, Dalaistin, BERNER, RASCAL;)F>, kimmer, ~KATIE~, LNV, #1ROB, Holly to, ~DUKER~, CrocDundee, ~That Girl~, EJ, Pyrite, Phredde and Beachman
Oh if I forgot Ya, Yell at me I might hear and add Ya....LOL......

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This page last updated on 09/23/99 By Allan Reininger