Or ... If you would like to find out a little about me... or see if my my webcam is up.. Click HERE!!
Python, Monty Python.
I LOVE these guys!!!! i have been watching them for years!! i found two great sites that i thourally enjoy!! ;-)
1) The Unofficial Monty Python Home Page
2) Fairly Incomplete and Rather Badly Illustrated Monty
Python Page
3) My SHort but sweet Monty Python PAge
Also..... i have
friends....BELIEVE IT!! Gosh!!! and some of them have pages...if you would like
to visit them I have just the place for you !!! Arnt I a sweety!?? Click on
the people Over There!!! ---> *MuuH* :P
Do You want to see some Pictures Of ME and My FRIENDS?? Not to mention... MY adorable furry friends??? Just Click on my Camera!!
FOr those of you whoknow me.. you knowi have been DYEING to getout of SJSU Dorms.. well.. i finally convinced my parents to redirect their funding for living to a more worthy cause!! and im MOist with PleaSure!!!
COme on in and visit me and my Roomamtes!..
BOnd.. James Bond:
The James Bond movies are the most awsome series of movies arround.. and if youd like to get cought up with the movies. Feel free to check out my Unofficial James Bond Movie Review Site!!
Hello all!!!
This is Brian and i would like to thank you for visiting my little section of cyber space. :}
I hope you enjoyed it and have at least a slight idea about who i am. If you have any comments good or bad just drop me a line at Brianop96@aol.com. Id love to hear form you!!! input = Good.. its the only way ill ever learn.. :P
have a great day!
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THis Site last updated:
April 22, 2004 0:52 AM
Alien beings have visited This site.... Wooh!!! :P
PS... this got reset.. don't ask how.. i dont know.. :(