Loric MacLochlainn


My Information:

Greetings, I am a 14th Century Irishman who has been fighting with the Scottish army to free themselves from the English rulers.

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My other Page:

Ame-Egress Page

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Contact Information

Email address woodhaven-woods@attbi.com

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Current Projects

Currently the Baronial Chief Archer.

Working on improving my Archery scores and teaching Archery classes. Learning the skills needed to build and shoot a 14th Century Crossbow.

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Biographical Information

Born in Woodhaven forest many years ago. Trained in hunting, tracking, and archery.

Recieved the "Order of the Meridian Broken Bow" from the Queen of Meridies on the eighth of May, A.S. XXXIV.

Also received an Award of Arms on the same day.

Won the Dragon's Laire Archery Championship in October A.S. XXXIV.

Arcuarius to H.L. John Bowslayer OGGS.

Won the Madrone Archery Championship in June A.S. XXXV.

Member of the SCA.

Kingdom of An Tir, Barony of Dragons Laire.

SCA Page

Archery information here.

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Personal Interests.

Playing At "The Rose."

Information for the Rose Here.

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Last Revised: 6 January, 2003

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