count the black dots Can you see the three faces? What does the sign say? Are you sure? How many faces can you find? Can you find the other 4 wolves in the rocky cliffs? Who's that? What do you see? Is the left center circle bigger? It's a spiral, right? Keep staring at the black dot... Can you find the dog? Stare at the black lightbulb for at least 30 seconds. How many colors do you see? What's On A Man's Mind? The Neverending Stairs Do you see a couple or a skull? Impossible Triangle Is it moving and shimmering? Stare at the gray dot in the center... Think you could build that? The Queen Right side up it's a giant bird... Strange Terrace The Red, White, and Blue... Impossible Monument Which soldier is taller? Is it a duck or a bunny? An island, right? Think you could build that? Short-Circuit Your Brain The Skin-Crawling Spiral WARNING! This one will give you a headache! The Face On Mars How many horses do you see? The Face of Jesus The Numbers Riddle Do you see the 2 old lovers, the 2 singers, and the vase? Can you find the 9 people in this picture? Dr. Seuss' Lost Tongue Twister Are they walking up the stairs, or down? Life
Are the horizontal lines parallel or do they slope?
how many legs?
Do you see the face? Or an Eskimo?
Looks like Ex-President Bill Clinton
and his Vice President Al Gore, right?
Wrong... It's Clinton's face twice, with two different haircuts
Yes, there's a face... and the word liar.
No, they're both the same size.
No, these are a bunch of independent circles.
After a while the gray haze around it will appear to shrink.
Then immediately stare at a white area on the screen
or at a sheet of paper. You should see a glowing light bulb!
There are only 3 colors: White, green, and pink.
There seem to be two different shades of pink, but there is only one pink.
Now move your head forward and backward.
As your head moves closer to your monitor
and then back away from your monitor, the circles
will appear to be spinning.
Stare at the negative image of the Queen for about 1 minute
without moving your eyes. Then look at a blank sheet of paper
and you'll see the queen.
Are the purple lines straight or do they bend?
Upside down it's a guy catching a big fish...
The instructions from Hell
Stare at the center of the weird flag for about 1 minute.
Don't move your eyes. Then look at an empty white sheet
of paper, anf you'll see the red, white, and blue flag.
Can you find the 13 hidden faces?
None. They're all the same size.
Turn it upside down, and you'll see
what it really is: a crater.
Looks like a spiral, right?
Wrong... It's a bunch of independent circles
Look at the chart above and say the COLOUR of the word,
not the word itself.
Why is it so difficult? Because the right half of your brain
is trying to say the colour, while the left side of your brain
is trying to say the word.
Please wait a moment until the spiral has finished loading.
When it's spinning smoothly, stare at the center of the spiral
for about a minute. Then look at the back of your hand...
It will appear to be twitching and moving, as though
bugs were crawling under your skin!
Photo taken by Viking 1 in 1976.
Is it really a face or just an illusion?
Here's the most recent picture that has been
taken of the same rock formation. Doesn't really
look like a face anymore, does it?
The Face On Earth
Take a look at this picture of some ancient ruins...
Notice anything unusual about the mountains?
When you tilt the picture, you suddenly see a huge face
Are these lines straight?
the missing dollar
Stare at the blue trash bag in the doorway
for at least 1 minute, and you will see something
really freaky. Don't cheat. You must stare at the
blue trash for at least a minute, and then your eyes
will adjust and you'll see it.
Stare at the four black dots in the center
of the image for 60 seconds. Then quickly close your eyes,
while facing a lamp of a bright window. With your eyes closed,
you will see a white circle with the face of Jesus inside it.
Using only whole numbers, and starting with the number 1, to what number would you have to count before finding a number with the letter "a" in the spelling?
See if you can do this. Read each line aloud.
This is is cat
This is how cat
This is to cat
This is keep cat
This is a cat
This is dumbass cat
This is busy cat
This is for cat
This is forty cat
This is seconds cat
Now go back and read the THIRD word
in each line from the top.
Betcha you can't resist passing it on. LOL!