These are some artwork by me. Okay, they didn't come out very good, so just live with it! Also, most of them are done on ruled paper because I did them at school when my class was boring... ;p

Skywise flirting with a girl... Just a little sketch I did in my school agenda during my english class...
Skywise again, with Aroree... I think you guessed, he is my favorite character!
Cutter... This one is the first ElfQuest drawing I did.
Crystal Spring... That's a drawing I did for one of my characters, in a role-playing game...

These are arts done by an artist who prefers to remain nameless.

Redlance and Nightfall together... Really cute, in my opinion! :)

If you have done some ElfQuest related art and you would like to show it, why don't you drop me a line?

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