Hi... again.

About me.

I'm 19 years old and I live in Texas.

I have an interest in HISTORY, and I'm going to school for it. (Yes, I changed my major!)

I drink too much Dr. Pepper, I don't smoke, I don't drink alcoholic beverages (*points at her age*) and I'm addicted to the internet in many forms and fashions.

Speaking of fashion, I'm also a clothes and shoes horse.. so to speak.

I also have an interest in astrology: Me = Sun in Taurus / Moon in Aquarius / Virgo Ascendant.

Seeing as how I have that Virgo Ascendant, I can't stand for anything on this page to be wrong, mispelled or gramatically incorrect. If you find something that -is- in fact a blatant insult to the English language, please email me about it. I'm not -always- on top of my game. (Thank you, CJ.)

My musical tastes include the likes of Billy Idol, The Cult, U2, ZZTop, Type O Negative, Drain STH, Tool, Korn, METALLICA, etc., a few of the more recent "hard rock" groups, a few of the not-so-recent 80's pop groups and a spattering of Celtic, "Techno" or dance music and classical. Not just any classical, though.. My classical has to have -power-. (Think "Bram Stoker's Dracula" soundtrack).

I share my home with an iguana and a Siamese cat named Sassafrass. The iguana has no name, and seems perfectly content without one. There's also a giant golden mutt-dog named Gorby in the front yard and, when he has the time, my significant other spends most of his time on my couch when he's in town.

A portion of my family history has been researched and documented by my mother, a geneaologist by long-term hobby. She's tracked a portion of our family tree back to biblical times, which I find impressive. *turns to her mother and applauds*

I went and saw Metallica, Korn, Kid Rock, Powerman 5000 and System of a Down in Dallas July 9th, and they were wonderful! Can't go see the make-up show, though. I'm disappointed, but I'll live. Perhaps the new CD player in my car will make up for the let down. :)

Enough about me. I could go on for days with useless information, but since this is a simple webpage, let's keep it simple.

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