Welcome To Little Dog Gone's Home Page


!!!The Greatest Singing Group Ever!!!

If you, too, have been wondering where your Little Dog has gone I can now tell you........he's been out looking for the blonde chick from ABBA.

Take a look at this and you'll see why

!!!Ain't She Cute!!!

Here is my owner, The Funnyman. He is a really nice guy and as you can see I have to fight him for the dog food

This is a little tribute to those that I went to school with back in the "GOOD OLD DAYS". Enjoy

These are the Funnyman's two oldest beautiful daugthers, Annie on the left and Diana on the right.

This is The Funnyman's youngest daughter, Laura, who is also very beautiful, and her husband, J.T.

Here is the new addition to J.T. and Laura's family and the Funnyman's first grandchild


Born 16 October 1998 at 9:27 PM

He weighed in at 7 lbs 4.8 oz

and was 21 inches long

We are all very proud of him and glad he is here.

6 Months Old

Here is where the Funnyman and I live and work. This is Ridgecrest, California. Home of the Naval Air Warfare Center at China Lake in the High Mojave Desert of Southern California


So please be patient with Little Dog Gone and he guarantees it will be a rewarding experiance.
Just like sitting down and mellowing out listening to all the ABBA albums, one right after the other....Aaaaa(BB)aaaaA.

Well, thanks for stoppin' by and sharin' a dog biscut or two (sorry I didn't have any ALPO but times is tough all over).

If you wish to let Little Dog Gone know how much you worship with him at the Alter of ABBA then you can E-Mail him at his kennel:

© 1997 Littledoggone@geocities.com

You'll be mighty glad you did.


If you have enjoyed your trip through Little Dog Gone's dog house then he asks that you take the time to sign his Dreambook (when it's working!!!).
Should you be so kind, in return Little Dog Gone promises not to leave deposits on your front lawn.
Here's thanking you in advance for your kindness.

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

For a good laugh come visit the Funnyman and in turn you can leave a good one and try to leave him laughing.

The Funnyman's Stage

This Many People Have Wondered "Where, Oh, Where Has My Little Dog Gone" sense 8 May 1998

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This page last updated on

18 August 98