Mockingbird's Links Page
provided more as a means to get all my bookmarks in one place than
anything else, but there may be some links of interest to the general public...
All selections are entirely arbitrary. This page will be updated as time permits.
Trek links
Note: These are all graphics-intensive and pretty useless with a
text-based browser or a slow connection
Dealing with specific races
Dealing with specific shows
Dealing with specific characters and/or actors
Other shows
Honor Harrington
Just what I need, a new addiction. If you're not familiar with the series, go get On Basilisk Station now at your local bookstore. The following websites also have some good introductory information:
If you're already addicted and need a place to chat with fellow addicts to assuage the withdrawal symptoms until the next book comes out, try the following in addition to Aegys's chat board:
Shrine to the Warrior Goddess
Space links
News links
Tom Lehrer
Too much time on your hands? Here are some sites by people with the same problem.
and of course The Spam Cam.
A few good guides to useful sites are
I don't know whether it was ever a Geek Site of the Day, but
Nth Prime Page is definitely a geek site. Prime buffs probably already know about The Prime Page.
And, speaking of geeks, there's The Geek Zone. Watch for the upcoming Version 4.0 of the Geek Code.
Other funny stuff
Medical stuff
Totally miscellaneous links
Spot of color provided by
. Get your own Free Home Page.
Last updated 18 August 2000 by Mockingbird
Please report any link rot to mbird @ geocities . com.
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