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November 3rd, '99
The Sinster Six is back! For their return check out The Amazing Spider-Man #12 and Peter Parker Spider-Man #12 on sale now. Also out is Webspinners #12 and Spider-Man Unlimited #1. Speaking of Spider-Man Unlimited...I heard FOX delayed the show because they want better ratings than Pokemon and will return around February. Only 3 episodes have been shown so far. Here's some info on the cartoon:

Episode 1: Worlds Apart, Part One
Episode 2: Worlds Apart, Part Two
Episode 3: Where Evil Meets
Episode 4: Deadly Choices
Episode 5: Steel Cold Heart
Episode 6: Enter The Hunter!
Episode 7: Cry Vulture
Episode 8: Ill Met by Moonlight
Episode 9: Sustenance
Episode 10: Family Matters
Episode 11: One is the Loneliest Number
Episode 12: The Sins of Our Fathers
Episode 13: Destiny Unleashed, Part One

And that's all the episodes for Season One! As soon as I can I will have a page up for nothing but the Cartoon!
Venom fans strike back!: Venom has overtaken the Green Goblin 1208 to 1111! Wow, what a comeback!
New Poll Coming!: My next poll will deal with the cartoon, and ask the question: What do you think of the new duds? The movie poll will remain active though.
Kaine returns!: Alright it is old news, but I haven't said anything about it yet. Kaine appeared in Spider-Girl #14. And 15 is on sale now as well.
Reporters Needed!: I need some devoted Spidey fans to help report new Spidey news! My Inbox is always open for questions, comments:
Until Next Time....
Happy Webslinging!

July 14th, '99
I've wanted to update this page in awhile, but I hadn't come across any new info or reviews. Yesterday I read Daredevil #7, if you're a Mysterio fan, you'll have to read it. I'm not going to spoil it for those who don't want to, so I'm going to create a sub-page about it. Also I've recently viewed the current results of my poll. So far, 1070 Visitors want Green Goblin in the movie over Venom who has over 300 votes. Do you think I am missing someone from the poll? If so, e-mail me and I will look it over. I think Spider-Man is on the verge on being a hot comic again, because I do believe that Chapter One is almost finished. The sooner this is over, fans can forget this and move on to the entertaining stories. I'm open to suggestions on this page, so if you think you can help this page my e-mail address is above. Last thing for today, if you have a Yahoo ID, check out the Yahoo Club I have listed below. There's starting to be some discussion in it, so you might want to join. That's all, later gang!

June 11th, '99
I haven't updated in a couple of months, but today I updated the Spider-Man Ring Code. I got WebTV last week, and I'll be able to update more often. I found a Spider-Man Movie News Site which can be found at It was created by the creators of! Go check it out. I'm waiting on someone to send me latest Spider-Man Previews, then I will add them in. I am thinking about adding pictures of recent covers. Also I'm wondering does anybody know what the deal is with alt.comics.spider-man? I just started getting into usenet so I don't know if it was deleted or not... e-mail me at

Until next time Webspinners!

March 3rd, '99

If you have any ideas or suggestions of how this page should change, email spidermanlistserver@ya Thanks, and good luck webspinning!

March 14th, '99

The Moment WE Have all been Waiting For!!!!

More to come!

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