The Troop and Ship 505 Homepage

NEW!Just for Mr. Smith A calendar!
Welcome to the Troop and Ship 505 home page. We are a unit of about 18 scouts. We offer a Sea Scout program and a troop.
Troop 505 has been around for a long time. I am not sure exactly how long, but we have lapsed once or twice in that time. Recently we gained a Sea Scouting program and our scoutmaster, Fred Boynton, has taken that over becomming the only person to have held Scoutmaster, Ccubmaster, and Skipper. He will be retiring as of the trip back from Philmont this Summer and passing on the postion of scoutmaster to Roman Smith.
This summer our unit will be going to Philmont Scout Ranch on 7/22 of this year. Our expedition number is 7/23H. We have been waiting 2 years to get this spot and our itinerary is #13. This is a 62 mile hike through Northern New Mexico. It should be much fun for the 12 scouts and scouters going.