Our Tent...not the Twelfth of Never


The girl smiles for she hears her handsome Master approach. She finishes preparing his evening meal and places it on a platter for him. She places the roast vulo prepared in spice leaves on the platter and adds larma fruit that has been sliced and fried. It is served with browned-honey sauce. The kajira smiles as she places it there for she knows the meaing of serving this fruit. She touches the talalder she wears in her hair. Her hair is knotted and worn over her left shoulder. Adding some satarna bread and blackwine to the platter, skye{LF} returns and kneels before Master Lord Falcon. She smiles a secret smile of submission to him and flavors all on the tray with her sweet essence. She raises the platter to her heart. She gazes tenderly at her Master as she kisses each item. She offers it to him saying.....Master your kajira serves you your dinner...may it and this one please you completely...she smiles and watches him eat....she is so lucky to be his

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