a brief DS9 vignette by Lori Summers

The ground transport skimmed through the wide, tree-shaded lanes of Dahkura's most elegant neighborhood. The two men inside craned their necks as they passed each massive, intricately landscaped dwelling.

"Deanna always said it was beautiful here," Will commented.

"I believe that may be understating things just a bit," Data said distractedly. "Did you see that? That house had a waterfall in the backyard!" He sat back. "The Enterprise is a fine ship, but visiting Bajor always makes me want to give up my command and get a nice country home somewhere."

"I just can't picture you living the life of a suburban gentleman, herb garden in the backyard and two dozen cats."

The android chuckled. "I am sure you are right, Will. But it is still a nice thought." He turned to the Admiral, his face all business. "Now, we should discuss how exactly we are going to approach this."

"Of course. I just thought I'd present my proposals to the Ambassador in a calm, reasonable fashion. From what Deanna's told me she's no keener on the idea of this colonization than we are."

"That is certainly true. Just be careful...she is very sensitive to any intimation that Bajor does not have the...well, for lack of better term, the stand up for itself, or any insinuations that they need Starfleet to back them up."

"Understood." Will straightened his uniform. "I'm looking forward to meeting the Ambassador."

"She is a very personable woman...but formidable. She sometimes reminds me a little bit of Ro."

"Good God...we're in for it." The two officers shared a melancholy smile over the memory of Ro Laren, dead these fifteen years. "I'm also anxious to meet her husband, I've heard so much about him."

"Odo? Yes, I imagine you have." He cast Will a sidelong glance. "What has Deanna told you about him? Did she tell you about his propensity for...shall we say, having a little fun with guests who have never met him?"

"She did mention one incident involving a wineglass, a floral centerpiece and her dress uniform, but she wouldn't tell me anything about it."

"Ah, the wineglass story. A classic. Just be warned." The transport pulled up to an impressive home at the end of the street and they stepped out into the warm Bajoran sunshine.

Their knock was answered by a slender, elegant Bajoran woman wearing a wide, blinding smile. Will knew she was at least in her fifties but her face and figure were youthful, only a few wings of gray in her short red hair betraying any passage of time. "Gentlemen!" she said. "Come in," she said, stepping aside and holding the door open for them. "Data, it's been too long. It's good to see you." she said, clasping his hand.

"And you, Ambassador. May I introduce Admiral William Riker," he said, motioning to the taller man. Kira's smile widened and shook his offered hand.

"I've been so anxious to meet you," she said. "I've heard so much about you, both from the Captain here and from Deanna and Lwaxana..."

Will rolled his eyes. "I shudder to think what impression of me those two left you with."

She winked at him. "Relax, they have nothing but good things to say." At that moment a large, furry dog came bounding up and jumped up on Will's chest, its forepaws landing on his shoulders. Will staggered back a step, grinning, and petted its head as Data hid a smile behind a hand. Kira reached forward and pulled the dog away. "I'm sorry, Admiral...this friendly fellow is Berubi. He loves new people."

"That's all right," Will said, exchanging a knowing glance with Data. "I love dogs." He bent and ruffled the dog's fur again. "Nice to meet you," he said seriously to it.

Kira led them into a spacious solarium at the rear of the house and sat down on a wicker divan, motioning the two officers into chairs opposite her. She picked up a PADD, Berubi settling himself near her feet, sitting up in an attentive posture. "Now, Admiral. About this colonization..."


Their conversations went on for some time. Ambassador Kira was encouraged to find that what she'd been told about Admiral Riker was true...he was articulate, pleasant and practical. More importantly, his proposals were reasonable and well-thought-out. they continued to talk she became aware that he persisted, from time to time, in addressing remarks to Berubi! She was baffled at first, then the light dawned and she had to suppress a grin. Odo's reputation often preceded him, and she should have counted on Deanna to mention to the Admiral the now-infamous wineglass story.

As the conversation drew to a close she set down her PADDs. "Admiral, let me ask you one last thing," she said, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

"Of course."

"Why do you keep talking to my dog?"

The Admiral gave a bit of a start and his eyes flicked from the canine's face to hers and back again. "Well...I uh..." He cleared his throat, suddenly uncertain. "What I mean to say, Ambassador, is...well, isn't that...your husband?"

Kira blinked and spoke slowly. "No...this is my dog."

Data snickered as Riker turned several shades of purple. "Then...where is he?"

She calmly picked up her mug of raktajino and took a sip. "You're sitting on him, Admiral."

Riker jumped to his feet as if launched from a catapult. Data burst into wild laughter and rolled in his chair, clutching his stomach, as the chair Riker had been sitting in lost its shape and elongated upwards into the figure of a man in the uniform of a Bajoran colonel. His face was familiar to Riker from various briefings and reports, but in person he didn't seem nearly as imposing, especially since he was smiling. "Admiral!" he said, holding out a hand. Riker shook it, dazed. "Nice to finally meet you. I see you're every bit as dense as Lwaxana said you were." This sent Data, who'd been getting himself under control, into another bout of hysterics. Riker shot him a glance.

"You're not helping, Data!"

"I am sorry, sir," Data managed breathlessly, "That is just the funniest thing I have ever seen."

"Captain," Odo said, nodding to Data with an amused look in his eyes.

"Odo," Data replied, holding up a hand in greeting and taking a few deep breaths. The Ambassador rose to stand next to Odo.

"I do apologize for this rather extreme example of my husband's odd sense of humor," she said with a grin, elbowing the changeling, "but Deanna assured me you were a good sport or else I'd never have let him."

Riker, warming to the absurdity of the situation, smiled self-effacingly. "Well, she should know." He faced Odo and straightened his uniform. "I'm impressed, Colonel," he said. "You were quite comfortable."

They all laughed, cementing this incident's status as another story to be passed along...the Berubi story, perhaps. "You are staying for dinner, aren't you?" Kira asked.

"We'd be delighted," Riker replied.

"I do enjoy having dinner here," Data commented as they left the solarium. "It is so nice not to be the only one at the table who doesn't eat."

"My sentiments exactly," Odo said.

"I suppose that means it's up to us to figure out the menu," the Admiral said to Kira.

"Naturally, but they still have to help with the dishes."

"I only have one request."

"What's that?"

Riker turned to face the three co-conspirators. "I simply must hear this wineglass story!"

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