(Note: this page is brand-new and still under construction, so it's not too spiffy yet.)

Redwood Lake is the newest addition to the fourteen cities of the Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary's Badger Girls' State. We the citizens of Redwood Lake are all current and former staff members of the Badger Girls' State program.

If YOU are a former or current staff member, you're welcome to join us! We have a mailing list that allows us to keep in touch; it is administrated by myself (Lori Summers) and Mrs. Chantel Hampton.

Click to subscribe to RedwoodLake

At the moment I'm working on a citizen directory...good place for stuff like photos of Chantel's dogs and what the heck is up with my degree progress. To see what I mean by a citizen directory, I've put up one to demonstrate. Send me some info about yourself and a photo (if you don't have access to a scanner you can do it at your friendly neighborhood Kinko's) and you'll soon have one of your own.

Redwood Lake Citizen Directory

In the meantime, I have a few old staff pictures I thought might be fun to put up. If anyone has any other BGS photos, we'd love to see them!

The red circles mean I'm either not sure of or can't for the life of me remember the person's name. Perhaps you can help me with that.

From left to right, Row 1: LaVon Schurman, Lynda Wilcox, Jeannine Conradt, June Benishek, Shirley Reinhardt, Eileen Knox, Rita Eversoll, Stephanie Jensen, [ ], [ ], Mary Curran. Row 2: Joyce Bouhl, Latish Reed, [ ], Sharon Seubert, Kitty Larkin, [ ], Mary Williams, Lucille Rehm, [ ], Shirley Kuehl. Row 3: Jermaine Engel, Caryl Glas, Joanie Dickinson, [ ], Lorraine Fuchs, Marge Fulmer, Lois Hanson, Melissa Krahn. Row 4: Sharon Zales, Katie Roller, Janet Knox, Phyllis Abraham, Loretta Shellman, Berne Baer, [ ], Mandy [something.] Row 5: [ ], Delores Woolf, Mary Walz, Andrea Page, Lori Summers, Alison Wood, [ ].

Help me fill in the names! And check the ones that are there and make sure I have them all right. I feel bad that I can't remember them all!

From left to right, Row 1: Joyce Bouhl, Caryl Glas, [ ], June Benishek, [ ], Eileen Knox, Shirley Kuehl, Shirley Reinhardt, Lynda Wilcox, Rita Eversoll, Jeannine Conradt. Row 2: Kitty Larkin, [ ], Marge Fulmer, [ ], Mary Williams, Rita Pautsch, Lucille Rehm, Sharon Seubert, Lorraine Fuchs, Lois Hanson, Mary Curran. Row 3: Sharon Zales, [ ], Stephanie Jensen. Row 4: Phyllis Abraham, Loretta Shellman, Berne Baer, Janet Knox, Chantel Hampton, [Judy Thiel], Melissa Krahm, Sukhmeet Kaur, Alison Wood, [ ]. Row 5: Pat Ziarnik, Delores Woolf, Andrea Page, Kris Danti, Karen Piel, [ ], [ ], Mary Walz, [Kristy Elsemore?], Lori Summers.