Welcome to The Domain! This is the portion of my little corner of the Web dedicated to my DW fan fiction, my other fiction, and some fan fiction links. I'm putting this page out so that people looking for my stuff will have a place to find it, and when they're ready I'll put some of the illustrations up as well.

The contents of this page are:

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The Yin Yang Trilogy

The Yin Yang Trilogy is my main fanfiction work, so far. It is quite long, and so I have created an entire page for it, where you will find it broken up into chapters.

Part Three of the Yin Yang trilogy, "The Soul Gardens," is the winner of the 1997 Adric award for Best Fanfiction Work of the Year! Yay!

Other Doctor/Ace Fan Fiction

I continue to write fan fiction set after the events of the Yin Yang Trilogy.

Flashes: Scenes From the Yin Yang Universe

I've started writing a series of short vignettes that I call Flashes: short scenes from the never-dull lives of the Doctor and Ace. They take place, for the most part, after the events of the trilogy. Click here to go the Flashes page. I will try to keep this page as up to date as possible and post more Flashes as I write them.

Short Fiction

This section is not up and running yet, but here I will place several of my non-fanfic works of fiction.

Not-so-short Fiction

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