Welcome, PoU Listmembers!

Here is the cookie I promised on the occasion of our list's birthday, a momentous occasion indeed. I am putting it here instead of on the list because it's...naughty.

I realize that our list is supposed to be 17 and up, however I also realize that it's probably not restricted to that age group. I know that were I to post the cookie to the list, it's doubtful that anyone would object. While the cookie consists almost entirely of sexual content, it is tastefully done (I hope). However I feel that it's best to err on the side of caution. So I'm posting it offlist.

In one week's time, I will remove it. If you wish to copy it and keep it for yourself, please do.

However, I do NOT want this cookie archived anywhere, uploaded to the PoU list Files section, uploaded to Schnoogle, or posted on any public boards. You may pass it on to friends if you like, but I don't want it publicly accessible.

And now, as to the cookie itself. I hope you enjoy it, it was hard to write. I always feel like I'm no good at sex scenes, it's so hard to write them without ending up sounding like a second-rate bodice-ripper. I hope I've done well.

WARNING: This cookie contains frank sexual content. It is not graphic, but it is explicit...and so you know, the distinction between those two (graphic and explicit) is usually in the vulgarity of the language used. If you are under the age of 17, you ought not to read this cookie because your parents could sue me. If you read it anyway I will never know.

So consider yourself fairly warned.

Click here to access the cookie. Happy reading. If you want to comment on it, please do so onlist.

Love, Lori