Hi, this is Ted formerly of Mercy Ground. Unfortunately, I'm not playing there anymore due to RL time constraints and whatnot. So folks....I'll never get this page filled out completely. I still have some cards drawn but not scanned, so I'll leave those slots up and open until I can get 'em scanned, but other than that, this page ain't gonna change much.
Sorry if y'all are disappointed, but from what I gather only MG people clicked here anyhow, so it's not like anyone but the older guys (who remember who the Intrepid TED was!!!) is gonna see this anyhow.
Hasta la pasta!!
The address for this most excellent mux is: fiend.enoch.org 9999.
- The Fool--Ted. (A child or adolescent, an innocent
or inexperienced person, "everyman", an adventurer or traveler,
an individual who needs to make a decision, an individual who
is about to embark on some kind of venture.) It's the first. It's ok.
It's not what Ted really looks like or wears anymore...but...
- The Magician--Harry Keogh.
(A person becoming aware of his potential, an ideal man, a
sorcerer, an engineer or someone in the applied sciences,
an artist or artisan.) It sucks. It didn't turn out how
I would have liked it to. He looks like a doof and the symbolism
didn't carry across well. Well, it's ok, but not the best.
- The High Priestess--Nephredana.
(A person trying to get in touch with her self, an ideal woman
or dream woman, an individual who holds a secret, a psychic,
a wise woman, a scholar or researcher, a research scientist;
also initiatory orders.) I like the backdrop a
lot. The pic isn't too bad overall, and I think the whip suits her.
- The Emperor--Joe. (A man of
authority, wealth, and power; a father or father figure; a male
political figure; a military or law enforcement officer, a captain of industry. Also the government, a corporation, the
military-industrial complex.) I like it though Joe looks
like a weenie. He's a -smooth- weenie, but a weenie (in the
Tarot, Joe!!!) I like the crown...it was inspiration for the Ace of Swords later on, sort of. And the chair. Nice, simple backdrop.
- The Hierophant--Devin.
(A teacher or mentor, a member of the clergy, someone
concerned with ceremony or hierarchy; also a religious or
educational institution, a ceremonial order.) It's ok.
Simple, with him walking into a pit though he can't see it. Ok, so it's my play against 'organized' anything, especially religion. By the by, the character was supposed to ICly be a lawyer. Go fig.
- The Lovers--Roderick (A couple.) Kind of interesting, since the character is a drag queen. Solved one of my problems by agreeing to be this card.
- Strength--Ethan (A forceful person, a courageous
person, an athlete.) Ah, done, finally done! This one gave me MORE problems...the original tarot card, you see, if of a woman. So, I had problems conceptualizing it. But it's done and looks studly.
- The Hermit--Mark Andrews. (A
seeker of knowledge, an elderly person, a person looking into
the past, a guide, a recluse.) I hate to say it, but it's
one of the best ones, I think. Simple. Hands look good. Suit
looks good, and it fits the character. He's a hermit. Does anyone
socialize with him other than Gwendylan? Yeah, that may be
mildly insulting, but ICly Ted doesn't like him. OOCly, he's...ok. Hey, anyone that likes South Park has got to be at -least- ok. Not in the HEAD, but ok. I think it looks cool.
- The Wheel of Fortune--Tamara.
Obviously in bird form. A decent picture in color, not so good in black and white, but there's some bad attempts at symbolism here.
- Justice--Max Felder. (A person
who must weight a decision; someone involved in law or law
enforcement; an arbitrator; also the legal system and law
enforcement organizations.) Lucky Number 13. He's supposed
to look like Fox Mulder. Waitaminute...Fox Mulder...Max Felder..
same person? Nah...but the same idear, methinks. I screwed
up the flags, and the background, but it was all done by hand,
everyone of the cards, no rulers or anything, so gimme a break.
He sorta looks like a young David Duchovny, if you look at it
just right. But I like the card overall.
- The Hanged Man--Baxter. (A
person who feels his life is in stasis; a person who has
voluntarily retreated from work-a-day life to devote himself to
meditation and reflection; a patient in a hospital; a martyr.)
It looks cool. I thought of 'The Stand' when drawing
it, with the phone poles and everything...it look very good
overall, and the noose just added a nice touch.
- Death--Alia. I messed up the legs totally!! I'm sorry, Alia...but the blood is pretty cool, and I think she looks cool...at least her top half.
- The Tower--Washington Monument
A momunmentally sucky picture...until I colored it. NOW, it looks alright, pretty good in fact. The only card not representing a person.
- The Star--Ryna. (Someone who offers unexpected help, a muse, a deeply spiritual or inspired person, a very beautiful person, an artist, an entertainer.) It's ok...cityscape background needs work, but I was tired, so I said 'Good enuff'.
- The Moon--Elyria. I had the page
on which I based this pic on somewhere, but I lost it. I like the
pic...the only nude in the deck, so far.
- The Sun--Nala. (Children.) I like it, but it's not really detailed. But then again, there are lots of cards in this deck like that.
- Judgement--Adrietta. I was
told this is one of my best. I do sorta like it, but I had to switch pens at this point, and it looks a bit off from the rest of the cards for me. *shrugs*
- Ace of Wands--Tycho. She's supposed to look more 'horsey', but I just couldn't quite manage it. And it just doesn't look as cool as the Ace of Swords, but it'll do.
- 2 of Wands--Elayne. Looks ok, she looks really sad though.
- 5 of Wands--Nev. (Competitors, a competitive group,
a sports team.) It looks sort of...sparse, but I think it's ok.
- 7 of Wands--Maynard. (A person engaged in a struggle, a
person holding his own against opposition.) Ah, another one that gave me problems! So, he's not dressed in the clergy robes of choice. Cope.
- 10 of Wands--Bob Torres.(A
laborer, a heavily burdened person, an overworked person;
also a labor union.) I like this card. He's supposed to somewhat look like Chakotay from 'Voyager', and he sorta does, I guess. I like it though. Like Bob's walking blindly into a dark alley, carrying all the burdens of the people with him, and having no idea whatsoever where he's going, or what's going to happen. Cool ass card.
- Page of Wands--Matt. (A youth who is active, gregarious, enterprising and adventurous; someone who takes on
employment at an early age; a messenger.) He looks like the all American kid, I think. Shepherd type motif...it's alright.
- Knight of Wands--Derek. (A
person who is involved in and involves others in new projects,
directions, and adventures.) The flag is awful. The lion looks pretty cool though. And I messed up on his pecs.
- Queen of Wands--Freya. (A
businesswoman; a "take-charge" sort of woman; a woman
involved in lots of activities and projects; an entrepreneur.) Well, a "take-charge" kind of woman describes her all right. She's a closet masochist, we all know this. Hey, she's Get, ok? Get Ahroun. (she doesn't care if I tell people. Hee hee hee) I like the picture overall, trying to match up the 'Nordic' type feel to it. And the little lizard drinking from the pool of blood is neato. I don't think she's quite 'buff' enough to be Freya, and I wasn't about to try and draw all those damn garouish tattoos. The 2nd one drawn, because she was so pushy when I forwarded the idea.
- King of Wands--Taka Aybara.
(A businessman, a "take-charge" kind of man, a man involved
in lots of activities and projects; an entrepreneur.) Well, it
doesn't exactly fit, except for the 'involved in activities' part. And, um, I'm sorry about the humoungous phallic symbol in there. It wasn't -meant- to look like that, that's just how it ended up. That was pointed out to me rather quickly, but it's too late now, and it fits his character. At least sorta.I like it, but not overly much.
- 4 of Cups--Miguel (A dissatisfied person; a person who is re-evaluating his/her situation.) I -really- like the background in this one, even if I could have done a better job with the guy himself.
- 5 of Cups--Paul. (A person
suffering from burn-out; an embittered person.) Boy, does that
fit that sourpuss!!! At least the character. I like this card. I dunno why, it's not really that good, way too linear in the ground, but I still like it. His web page, The Barren Land is about another mush, Ascension City, I think.
- 8 of Cups--Adam. This picture...well, I messed up. It's the only one where I had to use white-out, as I screwed it up when inking in the pencil. However, I liked the mountains in it so much, I was forced to keep the card. With some decent editing on the computer, it should look alright though. Different perspective than norm for the deck, tho.
- Page of Cups--Sioneva. (A youth
who is sensitive, imaginative, affectionate, emotional, and
dependent.) Simple, but it's cool. Sioneva is cool anyway. I
especially like her because she has 'chunky' in her description.
Not many 'chunky' people on a mush. Everyone is thin and
perfect, even those with crappy appearances, it seems.
Sioneva's cool. But then...Ted relates well to kids, for some
reason. Probably because he's crazy.
- Knight of Cups--Justin. (A love; one who brings love into the subject's life; an attractive, romantic, idealistic person.) My friends here thinks it's gross. After all, he's sitting on a dead horse. Knights are supposed to indicate movement though, and it seems his ride is dead. Heh. Think about it.
- Queen of Cups--Kali. (A woman
with strong feelings, emotions, dreams, visions, and religious
ideals; an attractive woman; an understanding, empathetic
woman; a nurse; a caretaker, a social worker; a woman who
loves animals.) Boy, that last one...I heard rumors.... Anyway,
one of my Babes. She's a hottie, that's for sure. So what if she
dresses in a corset and black fishnets? She's still a kind person, and that's why I think she's like...liked by so many people. Head in the picture looks kind of strange though. But, it's too late now.I like the picture overall. Not one of the best, but good.
- King of Cups--Rupert. (A man who
is warm, loving, sensitive, religious, poetic, and idealistic; a
member of the clergy; a social worker; a man who loves
animals.) This animals thing keeps coming up. It looks good.
Definitely one of the better ones,except I could have done
better on his leg, aand the tattoos...I just did the best I could. It looks pretty cool.
- Ace of Swords--Kathryn. Ohmigod.
The best one of the lot so far, with the 8 of Swords a very
close second. It is -ohmigod- good. Damn..it's just. Well, just
look at it and judge for yourself.
- 2 of Swords--Sparrow. It's ok.
Not what Sparrow had in mind, but I like it immensely.
- 3 of Swords--Horatio. Eh. Ok.
My first try at bald heads, ok? The heart looks bad. Ok, it sorta
sucks. Let's be honest.
- 5 of Swords--Darrin. He supposed to be Native American, but I could never drawn ethnic people that well. For all my lack of skill in that, I think he looks fairly good.
- 7 of Swords--Lynne. (A thief; a person who is "getting away with something".) This just looks really cool. I wish I could have done a better job with the backdrop though.
- 8 of Swords--Mariah. (A person
who feels trapped by circumstance.) My other Babe. She's also
a hottie, but I heard her and the Knight of Pentacles are getting
it on. C'est la vie. It's a GREAT pic though. I coulda left out the temple in the backdrop, but...it still kicks. Found out in a roundabout way that Mariah has her own page too. Check it out.
- 9 of Swords--Sarah. (A person with many worries and anxieties.) I think it looks really good, though I messed up on the gun and all...so I can't draw firearms worth a damn. Eh.
- 10 of Swords--Mitch. Those of you who know Mitch know why he's the 10 of Swords. First, this card is the only card in the suit of Swords where the swords actually pierce the person. Second...it's a dark and sorta disturbing picture. At least...it is to me. But then, I know the story behind the picture too. Let's just say it's one of the coolest pictures, and one of the bloodiest.
- Page of Swords--Clarice. (A precocious youth.)Sorry Isis!!! That being said...the picture turned out -really- well. My friend Trav says that it's one of the rare pics of mine where the people don't look 'elven'. (So what if I was inspired by Wendy Pini? Sheesh, some people have no taste) But he and I agree that it's cool. Clarice, holding the sword uncertainly, unsure if she wants to use it or not... Damn, I even got the 'wide-eyed deer in the headlights' look to her.
- Knight of Swords--Mikhail.
(A person who is intellectual, assertive, and brave; a person who
is involved in or involves you in a conflict.) He didn't ask for
this, but it fit him. I think it sorta looks like what he's supposed to look like. Check out
Mikhail's Home Page to find more pics an' stuff.
- Queen of Swords--Brittany.
(A woman who is intelligent, perceptive, and analytical; a
woman who has the power to fight on your behalf; a military
woman; a lawyer; a professor.) Not bad, but I screwed up the
head and eyes.
- King of Swords--Max. (A man who is intelligent, perceptive, and analytical; a man who has the power to fight on your behalf; a military man; a lawyer; a professor.) I really like it except for the jacket and that his nose is too long, imho.
- 2 of Pentacles--Calico Jack.
(A person who must juggle a lot of duties and obligations.) I like this. His desc was...strange, and the man himself strange...and this is what I came up with. I hope CJ likes it. I do. It's groovy man, in a far-out sort of way.
- 5 of Pentacles--Jamie. Dude..
this one kicks ass. I dunno. I think it's the snow. I wish I could have done the window better tho.
- 9 of Pentacles--Tepper. (A self-sufficient person; a person who is able to work out of his/her home.) Once again, I like it but other people might not. *shrugs*
- Knight of Pentacles--Gideon.
(A single person who is reliable, stable, hard-working, prudent,
and conservative.) This picture kicks much ass. I dunno why.
Nice clear cut lines. The horse looks cool. His hand is kinda
weird though. I could also imagine this really would be what Gid
looks like.
- Queen of Pentacles--Alexondra. (A woman who is gracious, refined, socially conscious, trustworthy, conservative, and financially secure; a matriarch, a patron of the arts.) I think it looks really good, that she looks really hot but assertive as a woman at the same time.
All explanations of the cards as significators are taken from a
book called Tarot Spells by Janina Renee, pgs. 235-239,
and is published by Llewellyn Publications.
All Tarot images scanned here are copyright © 1997-2001 by Lana Gjovig. They may be used for personal use only, or on a personal web page for non-profit use only. Hey, I'm not getting paid for havin' or makin' 'em, so you shouldn't get paid for usin' 'em. Sad to say (as they could probably use some improvement), you may not alter the images. This page was last updated on July 26, 2001.
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