SiN's Lair was constructed on 5-20-97 and destroyed on 6-01-99

After over two years I have finally decided to hang "Mistress Vampyre aka SiN §pelloom" back in the closet. It was a great two years but this just isn't me anymore. I've outgrown the page and almost everything it stood for. I have decided to pay more attntion to my work and I just couldn't leave this up. I'm sorrie to all that enjoyed it but it's time to move on. I am building a new site and maybe I'll link it here. I'm not sure yet. On any note, thank you to everyone that presented the lair and "SiN" with awards... they are as follows:

North Wynd's Gothic Site Award Dark Goddess Destined for Immortality Award The Psyko Award '97 Mistress Holly's Spooky Award Miss October for the Lobo Liz's Fucking Cool Webpage Award Dark Site of Exellence Enchanted Culture Award The R.I.P. Award Raise the Dead Hot as Hell Award Amethyst's Ultimate Website Award Out of the World Award Z's Darkness Award Foxglove Award of Darkness C Falls Electrifying Site Award M's Cool Site Award Blue Rose's Dark Delight Award Howling Hot Award Dark Site Award Black Hole Award Darque Site Award Gravely Cool Site Award Award of Darkness Award for Awesome Webpage Design 4 of Dark Fates Awards Best Web Page 98 I'm a Goddess Insomneea's Award Lylliths Labyrinth Award for Excellence Sexy Phuck of the Month Stiletto Boot Award Shadow Gate Goth Dark Haven Award Dark Goddess of the Web Byte of the Night Lost Souls Award Lucidity's Award FNF Bite of Aproval Beauty and Style Award FNF Most Supported Site Week 2 Vamp N's Nightmare Award Hotel 666 Misery's Award Goth Goose

I would also like to thank the Phenomenal Women of the Web for making me one of thier own.

It's been great but I've grown and changed allot and this site just isn't keeping up.

Till next we meet again,
The former "SiN §pelloom"