"Gather around, one and all, and I shall tell you of a time when the gods were mortals. Yes, Mortals. When those who controlled were royalty. When physical gods were fiction. There have always been the good, and the evil, and there always have been those who followed the good or the evil. But once, long ago, when I was a child there came a marvel beyond which any could explain. It was a marvel which gave birth to the perfection of life. Both good and evil spawned the new species, and the bloodshed from the clash spoiled the fertile land. The skies and land became battle grounds, and those who chose not to evolve became slaves to the evil. Those who perfected themselves chose to battle for the good or the evil. But my story does not begin at Birth, but more at the death. The birth is a story of it's own."
"The skies had been blacked with evil, and the ground red and black with fresh blood. My Family and I evolved for the good and had been chosen to talk as ambassadors to the evil. We were returning to our camp from a day of failure, and we suspected that another battle was at hand. That night the evil attacked, leaving the good unexpected. It was a vicious battle. The griffins tore at dragons, Elven arrows found thier mark in goblins hearts. Black blood poured, the evil was losing. Rivers became a bath for the Devils. The good, no matter how unprepared, was winning. But the war wasn't over yet, days of violence laid ahead, days of death. But this story does not have a happy ending, for the world we know is not that of the good..." A dark shadow passed overhead. All hailed the great dragon that flew above. "...but of evil."
"I remember the leader of the good, his name was Kassien. He evolved differently than most; what was truly in his heart was told. He was elven by most appearance, but unlike the elf of old, he spawned great powerful wings of golden feathers. He had black hair, dark as the evil's blood, and his eyes were the grey mist of morning. His spirit was said to be pure good. He was truly the one, if there would be one, that the war's outcome would rest on. But his failure became the evils strength."
"Kassien fell in love, with one of the most beautiful humans, one of the few who wasn't captive by the evil, and married, before his evolution. When he evolved, his wife chose to remain human. She, though, was as stunning as any perfected god could be. Some say she had no need to evolve. I was young when Kassien and Julia married, and had the honor of being a servent boy to them. I was there wwhen Kassien and Julia were married. I was there when Julia gave birth to Gregor, their Son. I was there when both Julia and Gregor were taken."
"That is why I know how Kassien failed the good. That is why I know many secrets that most don't. I tell you now though, so you don't get lost, that Kassien be the hero, and the victim, in my great tale."
"But before I begin my tale, I should explain the evolutionary process. To tell you about human evolution, with out explaining it, would be like telling a bear about reasoning, and not explaining instinct."
"Evolution began with a short man named Donaven. No one really knew him, and he stayed away from social situations, and rarely made an appearance in the town. He would be what you call a hermit. He was the supposed first to evolve. IT became a plague, a virus, and evolution became a habit to the human race. No one can explain the actual evolution process, some say it is like a caterpiller becoming a butterfly, with a cocoon. Others, when trying to comprehend it, are lost in confusion. We do know that it was a choice. The choice to evolve, and who to evolve for, was left to the life that was evolving. After human's evolved, creatures of the forest, plains, skies, and seas began thier perfection. Evolution gave way to the creatures we know, like dragons and griffins."
I guess you would like to know as well on how Kassien failed the good. It was partly my fault. After the day of talking over peace with the evil, I returned to my duties as the servant boy to Julia and Gregor. Julia was busy, telling her usual poetry, and weaving her magic to create her most delicious entertainment for her small child. The flames from her magic danced from candle to cancle, while her voice cried softly in the wind. The smoke in the room found a release from a window, and the smell of roses filled the room, another work of magic. This is why most believed Julia was born evolved. Magic was usually only for those who evolved, but it was always strong in Julia's family."
"I was watching guard around the house, my usual duties. I wore the sword of royal guards. The blade forged from the stars above, and the handle with the finest earthen metals. The handle, a griffin's claw wrapped around the gleaming blade, and the mouth held a crystal flame at the bottom. It was entrusted to me, so that I might watch over Julia and Gregor, but the days talks left me worn, and sleep was soon dancing in my mind. My eyes grew heavy as I took a seat next to the open door of the nursery. Sleep came quickly. I was unable to protect Julia, or Gregor. The evil took them both, one with death, the other to their darkened layer. I woke to a scream, only to find Gregor, a small child of only seven, skinned and hung from his feet. His face was beyond recognition, and the limbs were mangled. My voice was caught in my throat, and I could do nothing but run from the home, and give my meal back to the earth in which in came from. I sent a message to the camp, where Kassien had been fighting for two days straight, and I was to help clean and dress the child for the burial ritual."
"Kassien arrived home, and the ritual was held that night. It was always the same. Sweet incense was burned around the deceased, magic torches burned in each corner of the small raft. The lake was held still by elemental water mage's. Lords of each race gathered in morning. Gregor, due to his most violent way of death, was placed in a coffin. A word of prayer was given and Kassien approached the small raft, wading into the water to his knees, something that wasn't the usual. The shivers were hidden by pain, and his words were worn from his crying. In one night he had lost his love, and his child. None at the shores understood what he said, except for me. It was Kassien who told me what he said, his magic reached for me. He swore to his dead child, that the mother would be found, and that the evil will be destroyed. No longer would the good try to talk things out."
"That same night, the message rang out that all ambassadors were released from their duties, and were to report to the main camp the next morning. We were given a mission, directly from Kassien. We were told to sneak into the Dark Layer of the evil, and recapture his wife, and destroy what ever we could. It was clear that Kassien was not the same, his anger drew him close to insanity, and it wouldn't be long before he called on a full attack. Rage only filled those grey eyes."
"The next day the small group, that I traveled with, left in the early morning to travel to the layer of death. We were given three days for our duty. The first days travel dragged on as the sun danced across the cursed skies. Night was filled with nightmares for those who slept within the fire's circle. We were in the land of the evil, and the evil let us know. Sleep was little on the travel, but the second day we reached the abyss of evil. It laid within the side of the mountain, which peirced the skies. But what we would find is not the evil, but the remainder of their encampment. They had left their den, and now roamed the lands. Time now was against us. For in the rest of the day, and the day next we had to reach the camp and tell Kassien of the news. His wife was not to be found, and the evil was hidden. It was urgent that we know where the evil was. If the evil was not found in time, our works might have been in vain, they would attack and destroy any that the good had worked for. We quickly travelled back to the camp, resting only when needed, and word was sent out. Griffin's covered the skies, and mages sent their summons out. Elven angers scouted out the nearest lands. No sign of the evil was found."
"We eventually did find the evil, but it was too late. The evil spawned a new creature. The creatures were large beast, made of scales. Their sharp claws, perfect for digging. It was because of these creatures, the evil attacked our camp from beneath our own feet. The good pressed forward, attacking with what they could. But what plans they did have shattered when Julia was brougth forth. The evil held her captive, letting the good know that if they didn't surrender, she would be killed. Bruises and cuts covered her body. She was carried from the evil's camp to the battle field, tied to a large pole, stripped to the skin. She was faint, and only heard what the evil wanted her to. Her hope was lost, but Kassien's love was too strong to take the chance. He gave into the evils wishes, and Julia was set free. The bloodshed of the evil stopped, the evil destroyed all that the good had worked for, and the good who remained were inprisioned."
"But it didn't end there, for there was still human life. All slaves were set free. But the key to it all was Julia, for with her the remainder of the human life suffered Kassien's mistake. In her held the true power, for as you might have guessed, she was truly born already evolved. The evil forced her to work her magic, and stopped all free evolution. The evil controlled who evolved, and what they evolved into. It was something that they wanted all along. They had become Gods."
"Now you have heard my story, and know the truth to what the world is. Evolution is no longer, and mostly those who faught for the good are long dead. I live because I hide. Few of us remain, and maybe one of these days, evolution will continue freely, for we have the key to it. For we have Julia."