HarpersTale Moo - an Introduction:

Harper's Tale is an online roleplaying game, a simulation of the world of Pern, created by Anne McCaffrey in her "Dragonriders of Pern" novels. For more info on the MOO itself, and on how to join in the fun, visit the HarpersTale Homepage.

Introduction to the WeaverCraft:

The WeaverCraft on Pern is a multi-faceted one. Be it from creating casual clothes to the richest finery, furniture covering to the most detailed tapestry, a weaver is always a busy crafter! As well as the day to day creation of clothing and personal descriptions a weaver can be required to partake in the most unusual of tasks, from describing a kitten, or a firelizard, to describing a new hall!

If you think that this could be the craft for you, and you want to enjoy the frequent RP that being a weaver creates, then keep reading, and feel free to join us on Pern!

Current Resources:

Firstly, why not visit the WeaverCraft Library?

See who's who in the WeaverCraft!

Take a look at the up coming events at the weaver hall!

See a map of the Weaver CraftHall.

Now you've met them...view their creations!

This page is currently under construction, so please avoid obstacles, and tread carefully!

HarpersTale's WeaverCraft has had visitors since Friday May 16th, 1997!

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