03-21-08 . Noticed this page still exists, removed resume (identity theft anyone?)

09-20-01 . Updated links

09-16-01 . Added Fanpage for "El"

08-27-01 . added to and reorganized My art.

08-21-01 . added fanart + a few improv manga characters by me.

08-21-01 . Added gallery of photo's that Sara Wagner sent me :)

08-15-01 . Optimized all graphics .. no images over 100 K most under 50k (except a few animated gifs..)

08-14-01 . Replaced and repaired PDF file in Pia Carrot 2 page.

08-14-01 . Added picture to Bouncy page. Also optimized some graphics.

08-14-01 . Removed Guestbook... never really worked right anyway :-(

08-14-01 . Added 2 new works to my art section

08-11-01 . updated about me section + minor updates everwhere :)

08-19-2K. updated side with minor improvements.

08-19-2K    fixed Pia Carrot 2  page.

08-19-2K    added Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure! button  so nice people could help support my interests :)

06-25-2K     Fixed typos in gallery 2.

06-25-2K     Added Yu-No fan page. revised side menu.

06-25-2K    Made games section. moved PiaCarrot2 and KX links there.

06-24-2K     added file to PiaCarrot2 page. Added 2 images to second gallery.

06-24-2K     removed files from XGS section. made minor updates.

06-24-2K      updated resume. added email addy to main page.

05-18-2K      Added cheesy guestbook, did more spiffing up.

05-15-2K     Fixed up some visuals . prettied up interface :)

05-15-2K     Fixed typo in  Links page.

05-04-2K     Added Silly page with wood chuck song. fixed issues with side menu.

05-04-2K     Updated XGS page, Added Links page, updated AlterEgo Page.

05-03-2K     Updated "about me" page. Added Pia Carrot 2 fan page.

03-19-2K     Added new album, and updated the bouncy page. fixed issue with Alter-Ego page.

02-11-2K     Updated "about me" page.

12-30-99     Converted resume to PDF format and posted Christmas letter .

12-10-99     Major revision, complete reworking of all pages + new content uploaded.

06-07-99     minor updates, added to fanart page. fixed email address on main page.

01-22-99     minor updates, added fanart page.

10-06-98    Bouncy page updated, bouncy page 2 added. Minor changes to main page.

06-25-98    added "about author" added "whats new" page .

1995-1996   page started ;