If you haven't read The Wheel of Time, go buy/check out The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, as that's what this page is about.
Sorry guys, but I am retiring the Hall of Servants. I haven't added any new names in a year, though I have gotten new submissions. I just really am not going to be updating all of that anymore. So this page will from now on just be dedicated to "You Might Be a Wheel of Time Addict If...", as that is actually a funny and amusing and unique thing for people to look at. Keep sending my YMB's, as I will keep updating that. I will also leave up the favorite quotes. To all of our loyal Aes Sedai, don't worry. You will be reborn as the Wheel turns. ;-)
Think you're addicted to the WoT? Look at our You might be a Wheel of Time addict if...
"Sa souvraya niende misain ye." It means, "I am lost in my own mind" in the Old Tongue. "Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder's eye on the Last Day." -Mahiro
"Please, don't let him use the salt on me! Please! Not the salt!"
"Unshaven dog!...You will be flayed alive over a period of nine days, dog!..." -Siuan
He was death in a tattered red coat.
"Maps!" he barked. "Maps!" -Laura
"Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande! Al Ellisande!" For the honor of the Red Eagle. For the honor of the Rose of the Sun. The Rose of the Sun. -Ashen-Shugar
"all we need now are some figs and mice" -Rohan"
"Trust is the color of a dark seed growing,
Trust is the color of a heart's blood flowing.
Trust is the color of a soul's last breath.
Trust is the color of death." --Mat
"They will pay; I am the Lord of the Morning."--Lews Therin -Lews Therin(ooh, repetitive, yes?)
"Tastes like the insides of my boots... And I won't ask if you added anything to give it... that... memorable taste" -Joar Addam
dovie'andi se'tovya sagain = it's time to roll the dice. - Wilhelm
the lions sing the hills take flight.
the moon by day and the sun by night.
blind woman deaf man jackdaw
let the Lord of Chaos rule. -Courtney
"Kneel and swear to the Lord Dragon, or you will be knelt." - Mazrim
Taim, book six
"Master of the lightnings, rider on the storm,
wearer of a crown of swords, spinner-out of fate.
Who thinks he turns the Wheel of Time,may learn the truth too late."
-The Prophecies of the Dragon, book seven
"He ravaged my home because it was my home. He brought trollocs to kill
my friends because they were my friends. He is a Darkfriend, and he is a
dead man." - Rand, book 7
"The Wheel of
Time turns and ages come and go, leaving memories that become legend. Legend
fades to myth and even myth is forgotten as the age that gave it birth comes
"What happened with the pond?Surely the water is the point of the
story." -Kate Sedai
If you have any You Might Be's or favorite quotes, you may send them to Laura Sedai at lonelocust@hotmail.com. The Keeper will get you up as soon as possible. Forgive time delays. After all, the Keeper's life is busy, as is that of her first age alter-ego. :-)