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((Update)April 24, 2009)

Well, it was a good run, GeoCities. This website is damn old.
Damn old.
But I read the news that this old site is shutting down. Guess I'll take some of the files off that I might want to use in the future, but I think my next website will have to be completely overhauled. Apparently nobody uses frames anymore! I'll probably take down most of the stuff... it's all so old as to be irrelevant, now.
I guess I'll either make a professional website for work, or another personal one on a different free server somewhere. I'll post the link here when I do so, not that anyone ever looks at this old site anymore, anyway. :P I mean, I didn't even update it for a year and a half, so obviously I don't look at it, either!


I am from Thunder Bay, Ontario.(get out your globes and look up, up, up above the Minnesota border into the far away land of Canada, where 5 feet of ice and snow and -40 degree C or F(The same at that temp) make for a normal winter.) I'm an original trilogy Star Wars fan. Most of my time is spent with working in the DRIVE Lab, playing games online, and hangin' out at home with my wife. When I'm not doing that stuff, I enjoy walking my dog and writing. I've got a few (old) short stories on my page. Maybe someday I'll redo a few of them, and try to publish one or two. I've also written a first attempt at a book, which wasn't accepted by a few publishers, so I'm working on a new one, with hopes of redoing the original book into a trilogy some day. Alas, my Neverwinter Nights module is done, since NWN2 was not compatible with older modules. NWN2's toolset is so terrible that I've given up on the franchise. Pity, since the first one was so awesome. I chat a little bit, although not NEARLY as much as I did when I first got the Net. The novelty wears off after a while. Anyway, that's a little insight into me.

Millenium Falcon
Muh---the legend...
My friend, one day, happened to be watching a Warner Brothers cartoon when a moose made the sound 'Muh.' Since he knew that moose can not articulate the sound Muh, he thought it was rather funny. The first thing he said to us the next day was, 'Muh.' After explaining what it meant to us, we all liked the word so much that it stuck. The word 'Muh' is a gutteral noise that originates in the back of the throat...it is not a nasal sound, but a deep rumble.
Over time, 'Muh' has gained a wide variety of meanings...it can be 1) a greeting to people or a method of saying goodbye, 2) a means of answering a question if a)you don't know the answer or b) you don't wish to give the answer, 3) a way of showing displeasure, 4) and finally a word to just say when you don't know what else to say. Because of its popularity among my friends and I, we have used it as a brand name...it is now the proud name of our Muh brand Lum, with its pateneted Muh brand Zip�...(Bantha Puduu).

Lum--- It is a drink that is made bye the Gamorreans(Pig guards of ROTJ) that is meant to be a stimulant that they take before battle...usually. It is so strong to other, smaller, races, though, that a mug could kill them.
Imp's Rule!

May the force be with you...