Welcome to Tadria's Spirit Page.

Fairy Ama is here to sprinkle spirit, cheer and joy.

Welcome to my lost Elf, Savila!

Welcome to Sierne, who saw Savila as she was picking wildflowers, marvaled at her beauty, was asked home for dinner, and never left.

Help!! D'Sly Fairy has sent me on a trip orbiting around Pluto!
Even though this little draggie can fly,
I'd prefer to be on the ground sleeping away in my cave!!
Please, click on the pic and send someone on a rescue mission
to save me from getting stuck.

Come one and all
Shout it out, yell it loud
Spirit, spirit help us now
Keep us in and make us proud
Post those cheers, send those cards
Make yourself stand out in the crowd!
Flying through the air so proud
Dragons are the tops in the crowd
Gold, silver, red, and blue
Dragons are forever true

Straight from your imagination
Come creatures of great fascination
Flying through the summer sky
So beautiful you want to cry
What are these magnificent things so true?
What gives you the feelings that they do?

Sunlight glistening from their wings
Yet these are not just usual 'things'
Can you believe your own eyes?
When you see what's in the skies?
Rainbow colors for all to see
Wonderful creatures out of fantasy

You're probably wondering what these may be
What you're little eyes may see
Powerful beings, so strong, so proud
Floating on the air like a cloud
They are dragons, my wise friend
They will be here, till the end.

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dustings since Feb 1999

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