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Some of the web's best X-sites Want your URL here, mail me! I would be much grateful if you would link to my site also! =) Fan-Fiction Sites Ro's archive Formerly Lori's now maintained by Ro,a huge great fan-fic site loads of Rogue, Gambit and X-Men stories. C-FAN
(Comics Fan-Fiction Authors Network) maintained by Kielle Newcomb, also a huge site dedicated to fan-fiction thoroughly, check out the different features, full of databases that is very entertaining, with messageboards, chatrooms, and more! more! more! Shifting Sands Fan-fiction Archive maintained by Midnight, also ... a large fan-fic archive that has X-fics check it out! Absolute X maintained by Christine Demerath, another improved X-Men fan-fic archive page, that looks inviting and well organized! It has even a picture archive! Outside The Lines Homepage Official site of Outside the Lines mailing list (mailing list for fan-fiction) Informative and entertaining for fan-fic lovers. THE Fan-fiction site! This site is a fan-fiction reader's or writer's dream come true. Center of the Universe fan-fiction archive A huge variety of anime/cartoon fan-fictions can be found here. Other than that the site has a lovely design. MissyRedX's Average Website This site has lots of good X-Men fan-fictions and unique pics you won't find anywhere. It is updated often also. Rogue sitesmaintained by Jessica Lonchas, one of my favorite Rogue sites that has a fan-fic archive, Photo album and more! Down-Home Charm maintained by Alyson Hurt, also one of my favorite Rogue sites that has a fan-fic archive also, a Scrapbook, a songbank and more! Sugah & Spice This is a Rogue and Gambit site that has every Rogue and Gambit fan needs! It's actually categorized as a Rogue and Gambit site that has oodles of pictures, quotes, mailing list and other great sections, very well done. Still lacking Rogue info? Just new to the X-Men scene and want to know more of Rogue? Jump into this site where you would see Rogue and Rogue and all Rogue! Full of graphics and info! maintained by Rogue. Another Rogue page full packed with cool graphics, sounds and everything of Rogue! Another great Rogue site complete with all the awesome Rogue pics ever in the comics. With quotes, facts etc. A unique Rogue site that has graphics, X-Men animated show fan-fics (read 'em, they are great!) and more! It's a great Rogue site again by Nicole Kes with the great looks, you better check out the different features, it's really nice done! Gambit sitesA Gambit site that has great graphics and cool links Gambit Sanctum maintained by Bridget Martin has Gambit pics galore and more! House of Cards An awesome Gambit site that has a lot of features you don't see in a regular gambit site, check this out! Bela's Gambit page This is one of the beautiful designed sites around. It has everything you want to know about Gambit and lots of cool resources. It has a wide collection of Gambit fan-fictions also. maintained by Exodus1120, an X-site that has features you can't find anywhere! maintained by Onyx, this page has cool graphics and hot at news and rumors, it got some fun stuffs and you'll just be glad you visited it! Check it out! X-Fan The Tamster's Hangout Maintained by the Tamster, this page has assorted X-Men fan-fics, especially fan-fics dedicated to Gambit. Spade's Art Center An X-Men fan art page by Spade! Cool graphics and great art awaits you! Wolverine's Clawcity This site is one Wolverine fan come true, has great graphics and is awarded also. Links to other Wolverine sites are presented. The Temple Obscura This site is one of those enjoying ones. It is wonderfully designed and if you are a fan of Japanese animation, this is the site for you then. It has a small collection of assorted fan-fictions also, including X-Men.
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