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This section showcases all the news happening around Rogue and Gambit or
sometimes the X-Men. Rumours, gossip, anything interesting about them, I got them
Past news Archive

X-Men’s Plans For Rogue
Source: Cinescape
X-Men movie producer/writer Tom DeSanto has long-range plans for Rogue, the beautiful mutant who can absorb memories and powers with a touch. She’ll be portrayed by Anna Paquin in the film version, which begins shooting next month.
“The thing with Rogue is that we have to take a thirty six year-old soap opera, basically, and distill it down to a two hour movie," DeSanto said. "The great thing about Rogue is [we're] going back to the roots of that character when she first was becoming comfortable with who she was. When she wasn't this sassy southern belle. She'll evolve into that. We've got other movies planned, hopefully. God willing. But I think you guys will respect our adherence to the lore," DeSanto told attendees of the San Diego ComicCon International.
Rogue, casted!
Source: Corona Coming Attractions, ZENtertainment
Today's Variety let loose another X-Men casting confirmation: 17-year-old Anna Paquin (who took home an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in 1993's The Piano) has signed on the dotted line to play the power-absorbing mutant known as Rogue. She's presently starring in Cameron Crowe's still-untitled film for DreamWorks and will also star in All the Rage before filming X-Men in her native land of Canada this coming September.
The casting of Paquin as Rogue seems to be generally liked by our scoopers, with the odd dissenting email here and there. "The cast for X-Men is shaping up nicely," writes one of our anonymous scoopers. "Anna Paquin is a solid addition to the film. I tell you, I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall this September, watching Stewart and McKellan lording over the production, sitting in their chairs talking theatre, when..all of a sudden, a 17 year old girl walks onto the set, POLISHING her Oscar!"
Now, back to the rumormongering business. Since we know for a fact that many young actors have auditioned for parts of X-Men, there's been always the hint of possibility that one of the actors we've been told are frontrunners are indeed frontrunners in Singer's mind. That said, remember that no one is absolutely confirmed until an official announcement is made.
Following hot on the heels of the Paquin announcement in Variety, the same regular X-Men scooper that told us as recently as last week Christina Ricci was under serious consideration to play Rogue returned to us to share their pain, their side of the story, and repeat their claim as to who they think will land the part of Cyclops. "Finally!! Bryan Singer made a decision. Anna Paquin is Rogue. I could just kick myself! Someone mentioned her to me on Saturday, and I just couldn't be bothered. I figured I had sent CA enough names,and it REALLY looked like it was going to be Christina Ricci. Anyway, money again plays a factor in casting X-Men. Anna is Canadian, and Bryan should get a break or two from the Canadian government for every citizen of the great white north he signs. Anna DID sign for two sequels. I guess Ricci was told in person that she didn't get the part. Why else would she have been seen around the building? I am going to go out on a limb and say Luke Wilson will win the part of Cyclops." [Anonymous.]
I've heard also that Rogue will be a high school girl that has psychic powers (???) and that she was recruited by Xavier to fight Magneto.
X-Men movie news
Source: Corona Coming Attractions
Another name is being introduced to Rogue's role. Bryan Singer is said to be courting Christina Ricci for her role.
X-Men movie news
Source: Corona Coming Attractions
Hear this, there are rumours that Gambit is going to have a 5-minute cameo at the end of the X-Movie, with him are Iceman and Beast and maybe even more. And the actor who is considered to be casting him (remember, it's a rumour) would be Keanu Reeves! And as for Rogue, it is said that another actress again is considered for her role. Those are the latest news so far.
X-Men movie news
Source: Comics2Film
Although its been reported on by other Internet movie gossip sites,
Cinescape has gotten confirmation regarding the status of Russell
Crowe in the X-Men movie. Crowe has been rumored to be favored by
director Bryan Singer for the role of Wolverine. According to a
"source close to Crowe" the actor will not be participating in themovie.
Thanks to Mike Kahn.
The official Star Trek website reports that Patrick Stewart signed
onto the X-Men movie on Thursday, May 20. Stewart, who is well known
to genre fans as Captain Picard in the Star Trek movies, has long been
viewed by both fans and director Bryan Singer as the ideal choice to
play X-Men founder and leader Professor X.
However, our source at Donner/Shuler-Donner, the producers of the
movie inform us that the report is premature, and therefore slightly
inaccurate. As of the evening of Friday, May 21, Stewart had not
officially signed for the role. Our source does admit that Stewart's
signing is practically a sure thing and will likely occur next week.
Our source told us that only two actors are officially signed on for
the film at this point. Ian McKellen was announced last week as
playing the X-Men nemesis Magneto. The other actor is wrestler Tyler
Mane, who landed the role of Sabretooth back in April. Finally, our
source tells us to expect some fairly big announcements in the comingweek.
Entertainment Weekly picked up on the McKellen casting and offered
these comments from director Bryan Singer, "Needless to say, Ian
wasn't a huge X-Men fan before this, but then I showed him the outfit
he'd be wearing and it was a done deal." Regarding the casting of
Mane, producer Lauren Shuler-Donner commented EW. "Sabretooth is a
seven-foot-two character, and Tyler's as close to that as a humancould be."
Corona Coming Attractions recently provides a rundown of casting
rumors and stories. According to an anonymous scooper, Luke Wilson
(Home Fries, Rushmore) is in contention for the part of Cyclops and
Rachael Leigh Cook (She's All That) is being considered for the roleof Rogue.
A more trusted CCA scooper claims that TV actress Laura Bertram
(Deepwater Black, Ready or Not) has auditioned for the part of Rogue,
and received a call back as well. CCA emphasizes that a "call back"
does not mean she's been cast, it just means she's made the first cut
from a pool of potential candidates.
Some rumors never die. CCA's final casting scoop involves Russell
"is-he-or-isn't-he-Wolverine" Crowe. This also comes from an
anonymous scooper who claims that Crowe isn't completely out of the
running for the role of Wolverine. According to the scooper, Crowe
and the filmmakers are "playing financial ping pong". So, if the
financial terms can be worked out, the L.A. Confidential actor may be
in after all.
FROM VARIOUS SOURCES:With the casting of Patrick Stewart on the X-Men movie a
near-certainty, the casting rumor mill has been opened up to fullthrottle.
Of course, the role most fans are eager to see cast is that of the
uppity Canadian mutant, Wolverine. Although other sources have ruled
him out, Corona Coming Attractions reports that a tipster who gave
them a heads-up on Stewart's involvement claims that Russell Crowe
(L.A. Confidential) will be announced next as filling the role ofLogan.
Days later another scooper called CCA's attention to the X-Men budget
bump, from a previously reported $65 million to a more recently
reported $75 million. This scooper claims the adjustment is to
compensate for top-drawer talent like Crowe and Stewart. Furthermore,
the scooper reports that Crowe is flying in to meet with 20th Century
Fox execs "within the next ten days." Yet another scooper also
reports that Crowe's contract is almost approved.
But wait! There's more! Ain't it Cool News reports that while
looking into the possibility of Crowe's involvement, they heard from
a reliable source that Mel Gibson (Payback) is being courted for the
role by director Bryan Singer. The AICN folks also claim they were
able to verify this with a separate source.
In other X-Men casting rumors: femme fatale Gena Gershon (Face/Off)
is rumored to be in contention for a role in the film. One CCA
scooper claimed she was up for the role of Jean Grey. However,
several other scoopers corrected that and said Gershon had read for
the part of Mystique. That scooper promised an announcement was
right around the corner. Yet another scooper sourced this rumor to
the Motor City Comic Con right here in C2F's hometown of Detroit, MI.
Apparently former X-Men writer Steven Seagle let the Gershon rumor
slip at the show. The writer also allegedly said that signing
Stewart was a potential impossibility due to his high salary demands.
CCA's final scooper claimed that there would be more official
announcements before memorial day weekend. This echoes the remarks
made by our source at Donner/Shuler-Donner late last week.
Source: ZENtertainment
Casting of FOX's feature film based on MARVEL
Comics' X-MEN is beginning to take shape,
with ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY reporting wrestler
Tyler Mane will play the seven-foot-two evil
mutant Sabretooth, and the official STAR TREK
site confirming that Patrick Stewart has signed on to play Professor Xavier.
They join Sir Ian McKellen (Of Gods and Monsters),
who will play Magneto in this next film from
director Bryan Singer (The Usual Suspects).
Some Rogue and Gambit news
Source: Wizard X-Men Special
Let's take a break from the movie news for a while and see what's up with Rogue and Gambit in the comics.
Mark Powers (X-editor) says that the vial of Gambit (seen in UXM # 350) would be top secret and will be revealed in a significant way until next year or the year after.
What's next for our fav' characters? For Gambit, Powers says that he doesn't feel entirely comfortable back in the school, in light of (his recent trial). There's also the matter of the 'Green Mist Woman' inside him, which will demand a great deal from him soon.
For Rogue, Powers declared that it is time for this Southern Belle to toughen up, her name is 'Rogue' - and she's going to act like it.
Also, there will be a bonding relationship between her and Shadowcat, Powers reveals also that Rogue will have a very important adventure with her.
X-Men Casting Updates!!!
Source: Comics2film
Cinescape has published what is said to be a casting notice for the X-Men which is said to have gone out just this week. Here are the various character descriptions that appear on the memo:
"[CYCLOPS] Handsome X-Man. Classic hero type, late 20s. Cyclops has been with Xavier the longest and takes his work very seriously. Engaged to Jean Grey...
"[JEAN GREY] Beautiful and intelligent scientist. Also an X-Man. She has telepathic and telekinetic powers. Engaged to Cyclops and yearned for by Wolverine. Late 20s...
"[STORM] A regal earth mother type; African American woman. This X-Man controls the elements. Beautiful and mysterious. Late 20s to early 30s...
"[MYSTIQUE] A beautiful woman covered in iridescent blue scales with solid yellow eyes. Mystique is able to morph into anyone. She is one of the evil mutants, a foe of the X-Men...
"[ROGUE] A beautiful young girl with very expressive eyes who has the ability to absorb the life energy from anyone. She is shy and doesn't really know her place with the X-Men yet. 18-early 20s..."
Speculation surrounding the absence of Wolverine and Professor X is that these roles may have been cast already. However, it was confirmed that a separate casting notice for Wolverine circulated earlier this year.
Also, Ian McKellen (Apt Pupil)is now confirmed as Magneto in the X-Men movie.
X-Men Production Tidbits
Source: Comics2film
Corona Coming Attractions came up with some interesting bits of information on the X-Men movie. CCA has verified its information with reliable sources.
The first item is the production dates. CCA has confirmed that the movie will be filming in Toronto, Canada starting July 19th and continuing on through November 16.
Moving on, CCA reports that the following production positions have been filled: Director of Photography for will be Tom Sigel (The Usual Suspects, Apt Pupil); veteran producer Ralph Winter (Star Trek II through VI); unit production manager Whitney Brown; and production coordinator Vair MacPhee.
Finally, CCA reports that Tom DeSanto is credited for the latest rewrite of the X-Men screenplay.
X-Men Movie
Source: Comics2Films (
A source for Corona Coming Attractions tells them that the role of Sabertooth in the X-Men movie has been cast. An unknown actor by the name of Tyler Mane has allegedly landed the role due to the virtue of being 6' 10". CCA cautions that this is "completely unconfirmed", which makes it a rumor in our books. However, CCA has confidence in their source who they know well.
Here's an update for fans hoping (or fearing) that Keanu Reeves,
comic-fan and star of The Matrix, will appear in the X-Men movie. Reeves is currently a hot commodity and his dance ticket continues to fill up.
The Hollywood Reporter indicates that Reeves has signed on to a
co-starring role in an indie thriller called Driven. That movie
casts Reeves as a serial killer. According to the article, Driven is set to begin filming early summer or late fall.
Next up, Daily Variety informs us that Reeves is asking $15million (his career high) to star in Shooter. This Barry Levinson movie would cast Reeves as a master sniper. Shooter is also set to film this year.
In addition to these two projects, Reeves is committed to a Warner Bros. movie called The Replacements, which he'll work on before the other two. With these three projects shooting this year, could Reeves possibly have time for X-Men?
Our source at Donner/Shuler-Donner spoke to Comics 2 Film about the
recent casting rumors surrounding the hotly anticipated X-Men movie. The first thing our
source said to us is "You're not going to ask me about Arnold Schwarzenegger are
you?" He was referring, of course, to the latest casting rumor that originated in the
Toronto Sun. As far as Schwarzenegger is concerned, our source tells us the rumor is
completely false. He also pointed out that Colossus, the character who would seem to be
the most likely fit for the actor, is not even in the movie.
Likewise our source assures us that the X-Men will not be gettin'
jiggy wit' it. Contrary to rumors which began circulating a few weeks ago, actor Will
Smith has no association with the movie.
Our source did confirm that recent Wolverine/Logan casting memos, which were
reported on by Zentertainment and Ain't it Cool News, are legit. Such memos are a standard
part of the casting process which is underway. However, our source cautions us that any
casting rumors that we've heard up until this point are just that...RUMORS. When real
casting decisions are made they will most likely be announced quickly in the major trade
Our source also confirmed that the producers have been scouting locations in and around
Toronto, as previously reported. Beyond that he emphasized that the movie is progressing
and we will be hearing more in the near future.
In a related story Keanu Reeves (Matrix) has expressed interest in appearing in the X-Men
film. While this certainly can't be construed as a casting rumor, the actor did talk to
Entertainment Weekly where he revealed himself to be a huge comics fan. The 34-year-old
Reeves told EW, "I guess I got into them when I was about 11, 12. It started in camp
with Richie Rich, then went into the Fantastic Four, then I moved into the X-Men, and then
my life began! My comic obsession began! And for seven years I was completely and totally
obsessed with comic books!"
Excellent! While Reeves definitely has no current contact with the movie, could it be that
he'll try out for the part of Wolverine in
the near-future? "I'd love to play Wolverine," Reeves told the
magazine. "The graphics and the dialogue and the character (written by Frank Miller)
appeal to me." Thanks to 'Stew' for pointing C2F to the Reeves story.
Eric Mabius, who will play the title role of the upcoming The Crow: Salvation, is
the latest actor to publicly express interest in landing a role in the X-Men movie. Like
Keanu Reeves, who loves the merry mutants, Mabius is a longtime fan. In a discussion with
the Detroit News Comic Book Continuum Mabius is quoted as saying, "When I was a kid,
the two comic books I used to read were Daredevil and X-Men. X-Men was
The actor told The Continuum that he'd be interested in a part in the movie. He went on to
express his admiration for the X-Men story with the following quote, "When
films give people super-powers, it's just too easy for them, and it doesn't ring true.
That's what I like about X-Men, the problems of being outcasts and misfits -- it's thinly
veiled adolescence."
Corona Coming Attractions recently presented gobs of rumor and speculation about the
casting of this movie. One CCA scooper, who is deemed reliable, reports that Russell Crowe
has refused the part of Wolverine in the movie. The reason: the character seems too
similar to the Bud White character he played in L.A. Confidential.
For Cyclops CCA scoopers claim that Edward Norton is still in the running, getting a shot
in the arm from his recent Oscar nod. One scooper reports that Vince Vaughn is supposedly
being considered for the part, while another claims the actor is now considered too
old. Speculation on CCA is that X-Men may be going with a youthful cast.
Given that, two other actors mentioned for Cyclops are Keanu Reeves
Freddie Prinze, Jr. Remember kids: this is all just rumor and speculation so don't panic!
CCA is also reporting that 20th Century Fox may now be looking for a Christmas (X-mas)
2000 release. This is contrary to recent public remarks made by Fox President Bill
Mechanic at the ShoWest show. There Mechanic announced a Summer 2000 release for
movie. However the scooper points out that Fox's summer docket is already
with some big tent pole movies so a Christmas release may make more sense.
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