First of all I would like to thank everyone who wrote to me about the site. Thank you for your concern and response. The good news is the site will have a new moderator soon. She will move the site to a new server and I am sure you will enjoy the site there as much as you had enjoyed this. The new URL will be posted soon as it is done. That is all Thanks for your support again.
S. Nightingale
Link my site with this banner, courtesy of Indigo:
Tales from the South logo is courtesy of Loni Kingrey. Visit
her famed site 'Sugah & Spice'
Rogue and Gambit are the property of Marvel Comics and are
used without permission. This site is made for fan-fiction and entertainment purposes.
Each fan-fiction has its own disclaimer for the characters included. All stories had been
posted and archived with the consent of the author.