Shopping With Sci
This is an RP done on my e-mail list, X-Wars, between Sci-Fi (Sundance) and myself (Decibel/Shockwave). It takes place shortly after the Fringe faked their deaths and were setting up their new base with their new bodies and identities.

    Suddenly, what looked like a slightly distorted limo, only smaller and had no wheels, floated through the walls of the room. Before anyone could respond, the vehicle pulled to a halt and two little men that looked like a cross between a wiseguy and Tinkerbell, got out of the back and opened the trunk. They pulled out a full size man who took up the entire trunk, and dumped him on the floor. Leaving him hog tied and a sack tied over his head, they got back into their "limo" and took off through the walls again. The man began to struggle at his bindings. With a small click, blades sprung forth from the tips of his fingers and tried to slice through the ropes. But he soon discovered that he couldn't quite reach far enough to cut all the way through them. He raised his head in the general vicinity of the gather Fringians, and called, "Uhm, little help?" in a muffled yet very familiar voice.
    "How in the name of Hades did you get here?" Clark asked of the gagged and bound man, as he bent over to untie his friend from his restraints. "And where is that Pizza?"

    "Decibel?" Sundance asked confusedly, the picture of the limosine and little men still running through her head.  Finally she shook her head and cleared it with the thought of 'Only Deccy could've...' and hurried over to help Clark with the bonds.    "At least we're all together now!"

    "<cough cough> Pizza? I just spent weeks gathering funds and working behind the scenes, and all I was supposed to do was bring pizza? Man, is my face red. Well, actually, my face black." Decibel said as Clark pulled the covering off his head, revealing an african-american Deccy. "Oh, hey TuCk, Gizmo. Like my new tan?" he continued returning to his new, deeper voice.
    "And as for how I got here? A little advice: Unless you REALLY need cash, don't go to the pixie mafia." with that, his face began to distort as a snout began to form, and long donkey ears grew from the top of his head. "ARGH! ENCHANTED AMERICANS!!! ENCHANTED AMERICANS, NOT PIXIES, OK!?!?" His face reverted back to normal, and he pulled out a wad of cash and a gold bracelet and tossed them on the table where Fever had thrown her wad. "Here, 50 thousand and I'm not sure how much the bracelet is. And if anyone ever asks, I don't know nuthin' 'bout NOTHING when it comes to Van Halen's new singer, OK?
    "Now if we're going for pizza, I vote pepperoni. Oh, and uh, where's the little superhero's room, if ya know what I mean?"

    He pulled out his wallet and examined it's contents. "Let's see," he said quietly to himself, "twenty-three dollars, a 'buy one, get one free' coupon at Image's Fever Clone Hut (Damn! Expired yesterday!), .... an empty condom packet? When did I...? Oh wait. I gave it to that MacGyver guy along that roll of duct tape. Hmmm, what else do I have? A claim ticket for a Swedish Made Pen- now this is NOT mine! Oh, my! My old LoF credit card! I can't believe I still have this! Too bad it's got my name on it. Wouldn't be that bad if it had my REAL name on it, but when somebody uses a credit card with just the name Decibel on it... What else do I have? A card for Temps For Hire, a photo of Amazon and me (ooo, she put her phone number on the back), one of Hulk's Civil War milk receipts (how'd that get in here?), and finally a........................" Drool began to dribble down his chin as he held a small rectangle of paper up to the light. If his smile could have gotten any wider, he would've needed help finding the top of his head. Carefully and even lovingly, he folded the paper over once and tucked it into a concealed pocket in his jacket. "I'll have to let Fever know that we might not have to worry about money ever again. But for now, there's shopping to be done."
    He moved to the table where he had tossed that roll of cash, and removed what he felt he would need. But he'd need some help finding his way around here. He was far from familiar with the area, so he'd need help. But who....?
    "Hey, Sci-Fi!" he called to his teammate. "I need to do some shopping. Care to lend a hand?"
    "Shopping, Deccy?"  Sci-Fi stuck her head in her friend's doorway.  "Yeah,
actually, I had some stuff I needed to get before we headed to the base
too!  Give me a sec to get my hat and my list!"
She ran back to her room and pulled her cowboy hat low over her eyes, the
grabbed the list she had needed.
"Shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, suntan lotion, a slinky, some Pez, a
language dictionary, and new Groucho glasses (I can't believe Hulk's cat
chewed up the last three pairs!)..."  she read to herself as she headed
down the hall to Deccy's room.  "OK, I'm ready!  Where you want to go?
We've got the whole world at our fingertips!"

    "Well, you'll have to me where we need to go, all I can tell you is what I need to get." he replied. "All I really have left in the world is in the Uber Shoppe and what I have on me, so I'll need to buy clothes, toothbrush, razor, shaving cream, deodorant, ect. Y'know, stuff to get by with. So where are we going, and how are we getting there?"

    "WALMART!" Sci shouted merrily, quickly adding a few things to her list. "Hm...and probably a mall somewhere.  We can go anywhere in the world we want.  Hm.....  You know...."  She smirked dangerously. "Let's start somewhere in the US that has a Walmart - you can pick - and then we'll just see where we feel like hopping in the new, and already improved, patented Sci-Fi personal teleporter!" She grinned at Decibel and laughed. "Ah, I can see it in your brain already.  'How did she improve the teleporter?' you are wondering.  Well, the all-new personal teleporter is now.....drum roll please.......UNTRACEABLE!  Gotta love technology!  So, are you ready to go?"

    "Ahhh, we have the world at our fingertips, we can literally go ANYWHERE in the world, and where do we chose? Wal-Mart. Now, some people might make some snide and cynical comment about this, but not me. I embrace this era of corporate domination over the common (and not so common) person's mind, body, and soul." Decibel said with a grin. "I find a lifetime of brainwashing makes life that much easier without having to spend countless hours trying to make our own so-called 'decisions' that would probably all be wrong anyway without the un-erring guidance of corporate America. Now we are free to spend our energies on nicer things, like staring blankly at things, and wondering what people are thinking and using that data to determine what type of laundry detergent he or she uses. Now you, I would say, are thinking, 'Look, do you want to go shopping, or am I going to have to shoot you?' which leads me to believe that your laundry detergent of choice is the ever popular 'Don't Piss Off Someone Who Will Be Scattering Your Component Elements Across Vast Distances And Assembling Them At His/Her Discretion', and a fine choice it is! So what say, we curtail our wordsmithing activities, sally forth and infiltrate said place of pervance to negotiate the vending of necessities and apparel. As we are to maintain our facade of dead people, I would suggest someplace safe and cozy... How does New Jersey sound? Even if we are discovered, who would want to come after us in Jersey? Come, into the fire swamp!" he called.

    "Those were speeches worthy of Storm, Deccy!"  Sci laughed as she punched
in the proper codes.

    "What?" Decibel asked, "I don't make it up to a Magneato? I could do a rant and be like Darkside, if ya want."

    "Let's go to New Jersey...I've never been there
before!" Within a moment, the portal opened, and the two found themselves standing
somewhere in New Jersey.
    "Oh crap!  I didn't tell Gypsy where we were going!"  Sci grimaced, just
imagining the rant the pair would get from Johnny Bravo, the Irishman also
known as Stout, when they returned.  She sighed, the looked up at her
compatriot.  "Oh well.  Are you ready to shop?"

    "You didn't tell Gypsy? Well, did you tell Servo or Crow?" he said, grinning like a fool. "And now, before you have a chance to physically hurt me, I will masterfully change the subject and let you know that, yes I am ready to shop! We got music, we got soul, and most importantly, we got money!" Decibel pulled out the wad of cash and waved it at Sci-Fi. Then a voice behind them said,
    "Gimme ya wallet, ya watch, and that nice roll a' cash too, or I'll blow yer brains out!"

    Sci-Fi sighed and turned around to face the threatener, sideways glancing at her teammate. "Of all the places to wave around money, Deccy," she commented, handing the pieces of the mugger's gun to her friend.

    "Hey, we're big kids." he replied, ignoring the mugger. "I knew that if there was any mugger I couldn't handle, YOU could. Besides, what good is-"
    "H-how...?" the mugger interrupted.
    "Do you mind? We're trying to have a conversation here!" Decibel countered. "So anyway, what good is money if you can't wave it around? It's like having a gun and not pointing it at people!"

    "How did you-" the man started, then realized that he was suddenly tied to the lightpole.  Neither of the pair had even seemed to move, though things had looked a little blurry for a second or two once.
    "You ever hear the phrase, 'My name is Wally West, and I'm the fastest man alive'?"  she grinned widely at the attacker.  "Well, my name's not Wally, and I'm not a man, which means that only one part of that whole sentence was right.  Why don't you take a guess at which." She turned completely to her friend and grabbed his arm. "Ah, don't frown, Dec, my way was quicker and we've got to hurry before Irish figures out that we left without telling and decides to break in the new Dungeon on us!"

    "Just my luck, of all the people in the whole entire team, you get us on the bad side of one of the TWO people who outrank me." he said with a smile. "Now, since you got to disarm our unwitting assailant, I'll find out where the nearest Wal-Mart is." And before Sci-Fi could respond, Decibel was gone.
    A block away, another mugger was preying upon an old man. "Nice part of town." Decibel muttered before swooping down from the air and snatching the criminal up. Rising up to 50 feet, Decibel held out the mugger by his collar in one hand, and held his small extended finger claws to his face. "Now listen up you filthy piece of gutter trash," Dec said in a low guttural voice, "I want information, and you're gonna give it to me! And if you think I won't splatter your festering excuse for a body all over the street, then just stay quiet. I dare you."
    "Hey, man! I-I-I don't know nuthin', OK?! I'm j-just a hood, alright!?!?!" the man stuttered out. Instantly, he was falling through the air, screaming and pleading. Twenty feet later, his fall was halted. Decibel was holding him upside down by one foot, now thirty feet in the air, and slowly rising. "ALRIGHT! ANYTHING!! I'LL TELL YOU ANYTHING, JUST DON'T DROP ME!!!"
    "OK, punk. I'm only gonna ask this once, so listen, and listen good. Where is the nearest Wal-Mart?"
    "Wha-?" the mugger began, but a brief loosening of the fingers around his foot cautioned him against questioning this flying man. "Uhm, th-th-three blocks east, get on the interstate goin' north. a mile or two down, there's a big sign, you can't miss it, OK?" Decibel slowly lowered the man back to the ground. Before running off, the scared mugger turned to Decibel and asked, "Who ARE you?"
    "I... am Splat Man. Go. And tell them that I am taking back this city."

    Soon, Dec was back with Sci. "Got directions. Should we 'port or get a cab?"

    "Considering the fact that we should probably be keeping a low profile,
the cab would be the best idea," Sci-Fi laughed, stepping out toward the
street to hail a cab.  "If Irish or Fever hear one word about this, we're
so dead."

    "Oh, what's the risk? Who's gonna recognize me as a black man? I mean, yeah I used my powers, but what super human DOESN'T fly and have claws these days? My fingerprints are different, my voice is whatever I want it to be, even my DNA is altered!" Decibel said, using his powers to halt the sound of there conversation from getting more than a few feet out of their immediate proximity.
    "Yes, but showing off our powers and flying around the city doesn't
exactly fit the bill of 'keeping a low profile,' now does it?"  She stuck
out her tongue at him, then,...

    She stuck her hand out, and strangely enough, a yellow cab pulled over.
"Take us to WalMart, please," Sci said to the driver.  "Come on, Deccy!  I
need to get my Pez!"

    "Is that what the kids are calling it these days?" Decibel said with a grin. "And now before you slap me silly, I'm going to chide you on the irresponsible use of my code name in public. If I didn't have a mutant power to control sound, we'd have to kill this innocent cab driver and dump his body in the Hudson. So just call me Daniel, it's my real name, but only me, Fever, and my parents know it."

    "And if I hadn't known that you could keep our voices from being heard, I
would have taken to calling you any of a number of names already,"  she
smirked at him.  "But, it is good to have something else to call you,
Daniel.  And you can call me Kris."
    She stuck her hand out. "Nice to meet you!"

    "A pleasure to meet you, my dear." Decibel said, donning a thick British accent. "You know, I was telling Churchill just the other day that he should try to go out and meet some girls and just get over the whole 'being dead' thing. It's just not done, I tell you, moping around in your grave all day just because you happened to have passed away. I would have given him the old, 'Pip pip, stiff upper lip, lad.' but what with rigor mortis and all..."

    Sci-fi doubled over in laughter, so high-spirited and happy she didn't
even miss the strangely absent chatter of the cab driver.
Finally she pulled herself together and sat up to look at him, only to
double over again.
    Her laughter this time only lasted a few moments, and she was able to sit
up straight once more.  Kris looked at Decibel and shook her head.
"I knew there was a reason I missed you!"  She laughed as she looked out
the window.  Her smile was quickly replaced by a frown.
    "Uh....sir..." she tapped on the glass separating them from the driver,
but he didn't respond.  "Daniel, do you know where we are, or why we have
a silent cabbie?"
    "I'm beginning to think I should have considered our other options"

    "Hmmm... Good point. Sir? Hey, cabbie!" Suddenly, the cab driver began to glow. Soon, he began to grow and soon burst through the cab of his cab.
    "Oh great." Decibel said. "A rogue Prime Sentinel. Look buddy, haven't you been reading the newspapers?"
    "Dude, Bastion was caught and Operation Zero Tolerance was shut down months ago! Surely you must have heard about that in your human guise."
    "UHM, WELL, ....YEAH. WHAT'S, UH, WHAT'S YER POINT?" the sentinel said, now beginning to look confused.
    "My point is that you, my friend, are out of date, unsanctioned,  and more importantly, unemployed. You're obsolete! And now look! You've ruined your human life's career by bursting through the cab! What are you gonna do now?"
    "Hmmm..." Decibel said as he thought it over. "The only job market for a cold, emotionless, engine of destruction that has no care for human life or those he crushes beneath his iron boots is.... lawyer. I'd say you high tail it to law school."

    And a little while later.....

    The pair finally stepped in through the doors of Walmart.
    "I can't believe he expected a tip!"
    "I can't believe you gave him one!"
    "Yeah, well your little 'tip' - 'American Express - Don't leave home
without it' - didn't look like it was going over too well, Daniel, and I
didn't want to have to spend half my day fighting a Prime Sentinel over a
cab ride!"
    Sci-Fi stuck her tongue out at her friend as she grabbed a cart and the
pair began their journey through the store.
    "Let's see.....necessities, necessities, necessities.....You wanna go look
at the toys?"

    "Yeah, OK." He said and the two where off to the toy department. "Hey, look! They have the new Action Figure Man! I hear this figure's left index finger bends at a 35 degree angle, instead of the regular 45 degrees!"
    "And look," Kris said, "the special 5000th version Wolverine that comes with a carrying case containing one of every accessary, article of clothing, and extra piece from all the other versions! Ooo, and it comes with the collectors addition forklift for transporting the carrying case!"
    As the two mutants continued browsing, a mother and her two children began shopping down the same isle. One of the children looked at the Fringians and turned to her mother saying, "Mommy! Mommy! Those two people have been physically altered with microscopic nano drones!"
    "That's nice, Marsha. While I help your brother pick out a new toy, why don't you go to the electronics department and build another super computer out of a calculator watch?"
    "Ooooh, OK" the little girl said and darted off down the isle, as her brother looked over ther toys. "Ooooooo, prittie kullers, momi! Shiney! Ooo! Ooo! Liefeld toyz, 3 for a doller!"

    Monterey turned as he heard the voices, almost on instinct and was
surprised when he didn't recognize the faces. Wally World wasn't his usual
shopping place, but he felt a strong need for secrecy still.
For a moment he wondered what it was that made him watch the man and woman
make their way through the toys, obviously enjoying them too much, then
shoved it to the back of his mind. There was a reason their voices leapt
out at him. Probably karma.

    Sci smiled merrily at the mother and her children.  Kids were the human
beings she understood best.  They made her miss her buddy Hulk even more.
"Come on, Daniel, we better get our stuff if we want to be able to shop
somewhere else.  I've got all these figures already, anyway," she laughed
as she drug him out of the toy department and herself out of her
melancholy sentimentality.
    The pair made their way over to the health and beauty supplies department
of the store, looking for the basic necessities.  After toothbrushes and
toothpaste, they split for a few moments, she looking for female products
and he for male.  When they each had everything needed, they headed for
the register.  Sci grabbed a copy of Sun to laugh at while they waited.
She reached for the Enquirer next.

    "Hee hee hee, look at this one: FRINGE/ELITE CONSPIRACY REVEALED BY JIM CARRY'S PSYCHIC HEALER!" Decibel read aloud. "FRINGE DIET PLAN FOUND IN NEW ORLEANS: LOSE 50 LBS IN A WEEK! hahahaha, HOLLYWOOD PREPARES FOR THE OSCARS haha- Oh, wait. That's Newsweek. Well, anyway I wanna go grab a couple more things." Heeding Sci's wish for urgency, Decibel hustled over to the clothing department, and tossed a few pairs of jeans, shorts, t-shirts, a bag of socks, a pair of sneakers, a bathrobe, and finally a pack of underware.
    Looking at his last grab, Kristy ventured, "Briefs?"
    Decibel looked up at her and grinned. "A wise man once, 'I gotta have briefs! My boys need a home!'"
    "Like I said, a wise man. I'm ready if you are."

    "Oh, wait!  I forgot my Pez!"  She left Decibel standing there as she
raced back to the food section of the store.  She quickly sought out the
Pez display and grabbed a refill pack.  The Pez dispensers caught her eye
before she could escape back to the cart, however, and she stood there for
a moment, debating whether to get the spiffy new Boba Fett dispenser or
the Admiral Ackbar one.  Sci chewed on her thumbnail for a moment, trying
to decide and peeping around to the front of the store to see how Decibel
was doing.  Then she saw him.  The girl fought an urge to flatten herself
against the boxes as her former teammate Monterey walked past her aisle,
then rushed back up to the front of the store, Pez dispensers easily
    "We gotta go!"  she gasped to her friend.  "You'll never believe who's

    "What? Who? What about our stuff? Who's here? Sinister? Blaquesmith? Dave?" Decibel asked, caught off guard by Sci's drastic change of mood. Kristy quickly explained Monty's appearance, trying not to draw undue attention to them. "Well, look. The best thing we can do right now is to act casual. If he becomes suspicious, Monty will probably investigate and we'd be in 4AM training sessions for rest of our lives. So I say we just go about our business and ignore him. He has no reason to suspect anything, so as long as we don't do anything foolish, we'll be- Oh crap! I've been using my old voice!" Decibel said, his voice swiftly shifting to his new version. "Damnit! I can't believe I was that careless. OK, I'm sure you're familiar with my powers, so I'd suggest you adopt a new voice too. Now let's just calmly pay for what we have, and get whatever else we need at another store."

    Sci-Fi shook her head in agreement as her hand quickly reached up and
pushed pale blonde hair back behind her ears.
    "Well, mate, here's my Pez," she said in a thick Australian accent,
tossing the long package in the cart on top of everything else.
    "D'y think we've got ever'thing?"
    The girl behind the register began ringing everything up, chattering as
she did so, and drowning out any reply Decibel might have started.
Suddenly she stopped and gave the pair a pouting frown.
    "Uh-oh.  This one doesn't have a price on it," she remarked cheerily,
holding up one of the shirts Deccy had picked out.  "Hold on a moment."
Sci watched in horror as the girl punched a button on the number pole that
marked her register as 13.
    Sci pulled her hand up over her eyes and shook her slightly bowed head.
'This was a bad idea,' began to repeat itself over and over again in her

    Time crawled by as they waited for "Curtis" to arrive, and Decibel hoped that rapid tapping of his foot would be mistaken as a sign of impatience, instead of nervousness. Eventually, a slight rumbling made its presence known as it got ever closer. Dec and Sci looked up in shock as Curtis arrived.
    "Am I imagining things, or is that...?" Decibel asked Sci-Fi.
    "Our Prime Sentinel cabbie?" Kristy asked. "It looks like it."
    The towering figure turned his head towards the two. it was in fact the deadly killing machine that activated just a short while ago, only now it was wearing an XX large blue vest with a laminated name tag reading "Curtis". He looked at them, accessed his short term memory files, and said, "CORRECT. I AM NOW EMPLOYED AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT TO EARN THE NECESSARY MONEY TO PAY FOR TUITION SO THAT I CAN GO TO LAW SCHOOL, AS YOU SUGGESTED."
    The cashier held out the shirt to Curtis with a Cheery-As-Hell smile on her face. Curtis took the shirt and held it up as a small red beam emitting from his eye read the bar code. "UPC # 38956 83576. FAULTY CIRCUIT IN WAL-MART MAINFRAME PREVENTS DOWNLOADING INFORMATION OF THIS ITEM. ACCESSING PERSONAL INVENTORY FILES. SEARCHING... FOUND. $9.95, MARKED DOWN FROM $11.95. ACTIVATING POST PROCEDURE PROGRAM: THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING AT WAL-MART. HAVE A NICE DAY. POST PROCEDURE PROGRAM COMPLETED."
    Curtis swiftly turned on his heels and marched off to Men's Wear. The cashier smiled as she punched in the price and said, "He's new." and began chattering away again. Far off in another part of the store, they could hear, "HALT, SHOPLIFTER. REMOVE ITEM FROM UNDERNEATH YOUR SHIRT AND LIE DOWN WITH YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HEAD. IF YOU DO NOT COMPLY WITHIN FIVE SECONDS YOU WILL BE TERMINATED WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE."

    "I think he'll do real well!" Sci-Fi laughed as the pair made their way
outside with their bags and slipped back behind the building.
    "Hm......Where do I want to go next?"  Sci chattered to herself.  Suddenly
she smiled and pressed in some buttons.  "Let's go see Stonehenge, why
don't we?"

{Sci-Fi, writing 'em short because she's a goober like that!}

    "Uhm, OK. Do they have a Gap there, or something?" Decibel asked. As a
reply, Dec and Sci were enveloped in a brief glow of energy as the
teleporter began it's work. When Dec looked around, he saw that they were....

{Decibel, writing 'em short because he's not sure where this is going! ;D}

    Not in the middle of Stonehenge, but standing in the middle of a rather
large city, in the middle of a rather large city street, as a matter of
fact.  But for some reason, there wasn't that much traffic.
    "What the-?!?!?!"  Sci looked around irritated.  "Oh, man, I can't believe
this!  I pressed the wrong number.  I have no earthly idea where we are,
    Suddenly there was a squeeling of tires as a car, sort of a cockroach
looking thing, peeled around a corner, running straight toward the pair.
"Evil is good, baby, yeah!" the maniacal little driver raised a scrawny
fist into the air and kept driving, somewhat hunched over the wheel of his
    Neither Sci-Fi or Decibel moved as the car tore down the street at them -
they were too busy trying to figure out just what in the world it was.
    "I...I that a cockroach?"
ROADWAY MENACE!"  A loud voice boomed at them, as a large blue body
stepped in the way of the car.
    The pair closed their eyes and winced at the noise caused by the full
impact, then raced over to see how their stalwart protector had fared.
When the dust cleared, the large blue man who called himself the Tick
stood tall, holding a squirming hunchbacked little man up in his hand.
"And he said...and he said...MILKSHAKE BOOM!  YEAH BABY!  I'M THE EVIL
The big man in blue simply looked at the creature, then began speaking.
"And once again, this big, blue wall has stopped the rampaging automobile
of evil...."
    Sci looked at Dec, who stared right back.
    "You know, Dec, I think we made a wrong turn at Albequerque."
She quickly typed in another set of numbers, and the pair disappeared into
the portal.

    The two Fringians burst into reality, slightly confused by their previous location. Looking about, they noticed that they were inside a shack. No one appeared to be in the shack with them except for a small stone turtle with what appeared to be a bite taken out of its shell. Suddenly, a man in a cape walked through the door and was shocked to see Dec and Sci. Decibel looked at the man and said, "Joe? Is that you?"
    Joe merely stared at them for a moment before yelling, "Intruder Alert!" and racing over to a small button on the wall marked 'Intruder Alert Button'. Much to everyone's surprise, nothing happened. Joe looked back at the button and noticed an 'Out of Order' sign hang on the button. Seeing no other alternative, Joe put a hand up over his mouth and began making a loud, "BWEEEP! BWEEEP!" noise. Soon, very odd people began flooding the tiny room from every crevice. Joe called out to them, "X-Cuses, roll call! Joe the caped wonder, here!"
    "Ghost of Ol' Man Deccy, here, you stupid varmint!"
    "Image, here!"
    "Blaquey, the reformed Mime, here.... D'oh!"
    "Bob the hell spawn, here!" Suddenly, a flock of winged lawyers swooped into the shack a slapped him with a law suit! When he tried to defend himself against their attack, he was then pimp slapped with a law suit. Soon, after they had taken all of Bob's money, the lawyers took flight once again and were gone. "Damn you, MaFarlane! You've made it impossible for a dishonest demon to make a living in this world!" Bob called after them.
    "Uhm, where... are we?" Sci-Fi asked.
    "You are in..." Joe said, pausing for effect. "....." Then he couldn't remember what effect he was pausing for and became quite confused. Soon he just wandered off to practice posing in his cape, the intruders forgotten.
    "Soooo... where are we again?" Decibel finally asked.
    Dec was smacked over the head with a cane for his trouble and looked to see a ghostly looking old man hovering next to him. "Yer in the Hall O' Just Ice, ya dag blasted palookas!"
    "Hall O' Just Ice? Don't you mean 'Justice'?" Kristy asked.
    "We did originally." Blaquey said. "But there was a typo when we registered the place at the Department of Super Heroes and Idiots Who Like to Think They're Super Heroes, and it was called the Hall O' Just Ice."
    "Why didn't you get it changed?" Dec asked.
    "Well, Joe insisted that the shack was legally Maurice's," Blaquey said, gesturing towards the stone turtle. "And without his consent, we were unable to change it's name.
    "This can't be our world." Sci said. "We must have made it to a parallel universe. But, the teleporter shouldn't have done that! How did we get here?"
    "That would be... my doing." Everyone turned around to see who was speaking, but failed to spot him because they turned ALL the way around. "Uhm, over here." The voice said. "No, no! I'm right here! No, not out the windows, I'm right here in- NO! OVER HERE! I'M STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM!" But slowly and surely, the X-Cuses wandered off outside to continue the search, leaving the Fringians and the owner of voice alone in the shack. "(sigh) Idiots. Well look, I am Cowneato, the bad guy around here."
    "Guy? But all COWS are female." Dec pointed out. Instantly, he was sprayed with milk from Cowneato's udder blasters. "That is SICK! This stuff hasn't even been pasteurized!!"
    "Silence!" Cowneato roared (well, 'moo'-ed) "I have brought you here because.... uhmm, gimme a minute.....uhhhhhh, well that's not important. What IS important is-"
    "Why you're a dork!" Joe called from the window. Cowneato turned to see all of the X-Cuses looking in the windows laughing at him.
    "Hey! You take that back!"
    "Ooo, what're ya gonna do?" Image teased, "Cry about it? Wet your pants? Or would that be 'Milk your pants'? HAHAHAHAHA!!!"
    "Stop it! Stop it!" Cowneato yelled, tears welling up in his eyes. Soon he was sobbing, and the X-Cuses looked at each other and said in unison, "We're sorry."
    "Really?" Cowneato asked rather pathetically.
    But by then, the X-Cuses had wandered off again and were busy burning Cowneato in effigy.
    Sci-Fi looked at Deccy.  Decibel looked at Sci. "This is the silliest rp I've ever been in," Sci said.
    Decibel thought for a moment. "You want to stop it then?"
    Another moment of silence, and Sci pulled out the teleporter. "All right." With that, she pressed a couple of buttons and wished really hard. Within seconds, they found themselves standing outside the hotel they had left hours beforehand.  They entered, and minutes later found themselves standing outside once more.
    "Hm...they've already left.  Shall we teleport to the base?"
    "I'll wave my private parts at you aunties, you wipers of other people's
    "Um...Deccy?  Teleport?"
    "I can't believe that man threatened me with a pineapple!  I'LL SHOW YOU!
    Sci shook her head and sighed, opening the portal and dragging her still
threatening friend through.

And that would be the end,