Decibel's Guide To A Good Time On The Net 

First off, let's start with the good ol' Dilbert Zone. It has it all: a great archive of recent strips, a daily mental workout, the DNRC, how it all began, and more! Updated daily.

Remember that great show on MTV, The State? Well, check out their Official Web Page. Learn how the group started and see what they're up to now! Links to other State pages!

SPOOOOOOON!!! You gotta love the Tick! There's too many great pages on the Tick out there to just tell you about one. So this is a link to a Yahoo index of great Tick sites. But I do wish to heartily endorse the Tick vs ... cuz it not only let's you vote on who would win in a fight between Tick characters and others, but you can also throw darts at Bill Gates, Fabio, Mr. Rogers, Madonna, and BARNEY in the Celebrity Slugfest! It's great!

Red Dwarf. British Comedy at it's finest. Again, too many fine pages out there to single out just one. So this will take you to another Yahoo catagory on it. Get sounds, pics, and episode scripts. Join fan clubs or sign a petition to get Comedy Central to show RD!

Now, we all remember an old show called Space Ghost, right? (If not, God I feel old). Anyway, he's back and he's doing comedy. He has two great shows, Space Ghost Coast to Coast and Cartoon Planet. This link takes you to a list of many wonderful SG sights where you can get pics, sounds, scripts, buy stuff, and even go to the official Home Page.

Looking for a web page dedicated to the X-Men, yet was created by one of their greatest foes? Well then, Sinister's Lair of X-Stuff is right up your alley! Boy are you weird.

What's the greatest band on the face of the Earth? I gotta go with Wayne and Garth on this one and say: AEROSMITH!!! See the official Web Page. Great art, great info, even better music. 'Nuff said. Oh please, just a little more? No, go away.

Oh my god! How in the world did I forget about Monty Python?! THAT, my friend, is about to change. Well, actually, if you're reading this, then it already has changed. Anyway, their offical page is PythOnline and here is a Yahoo catagory to make it up to you

WHAT?!?!? You've never heard of Freakazoid?! What are you, some kinda weirdo? I would normally advise you to check out the many fine web sites about Freakazoid to remedy your condition, but there seems to be a rather poor crop out there. The only ones that seem to be any good are Freakazoid and Friends and The Freaklair. There's also a Yahoo catagory if you wanna see an example of mediocridy.

Awright, I know that I already have a Tick catagory on here, but this is different! This is the offical New England Comics' Tick page of paraphanalia. You can buy TONS of really great Tick stuff! Tick t-shirts, hats, videos, a CD-ROM, a board game, posters, toys, kid's Tick costumes, and comics, comics, comics! First prints, trade paperbacks, and special limited editions! By the way, I didn't post this until AFTER I had placed my order.

I don't know about you, but I'm going to dare to be stupid and heartily endorse one of the music industry's most overlooked and underappreiciated resources: Weird Al Yankovic! He's the man! Well, he's a man anyway.

Hey! Do you like British comedy? Then you'll love the BBC (the Best of British Comedy)! It's not completely finished yet, but it does have some sections up so far including an American to English dictionary!

Speaking of British Comedy, what about Blackadder? Truly one of Britain's greatest triumphs of comedy starring none other than Rowan Atkinson! Of all of the Blackadder pages out there the one that I give my personal favor towards is the Official Blackadder Fanfic Archive, but I also recommend trying the many other great sites!

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