Welcome to the rather typical "vanity page" of

House Gaston

(the West Coast offshoot of the Carolina Gastons)

(WARNING: This is a work most definitely in progress...)

We are learning our way around this web page writing stuff very slowly, so please be very patient with us! Whether you came here by design or accident, we are happy to share with you a little information on our four great passions in life - real Rocket Science, Golden Retrievers, Republic Pictures' television series Beauty and the Beast, and the SCA (and maybe more if we got bored and decided to do something new)! So please check back occasionally and see what we've added since the last time you came to visit!

Real Rocket Science


Rocket Science is not all geeky looking eggheads without any social skills. The real life rocket scientists at the Propulsion Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory at Edwards Air Force Base, California are pretty normal folks, and do world-class level research on every type of space lift and positioning propulsion you can imagine!

Please check us out - we're proud of what we do!

Propulsion Directorate HomePage

The Official HomePage of the United States Air Force
(Has anybody ever asked you what you want to do?)


Golden Retrievers

What happens when you get a Golden Retriever by accident? You get hooked!
Twenty-plus years later, we still own, breed, train, and exhibit Goldens under the "RDO" kennel prefix.
You can read more about us and Goldens in general by clicking below:

Rancho Del Oro Golden Retrievers

Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace HomePage

The Golden Retriever Club of America HomePage


Beauty and the Beast

This television show changed our lives, as it has hundreds, if not thousands, of others. Come visit the fan tunnels where we Keep the Dream Alive and perhaps you, too, will be caught up in the magic!

Songs of the Bluebird - the Premier Beauty and the Beast fan website

Our Story - How Beauty and the Beast changed our lives



The Society for Creative Anachronism is a non-profit historical society. We seek to recreate the chivalrous pre-Renaissance era through the practice of the Medieval Arts - combat, music, dance, weaving and sewing, metalworking, and making merry to name a few! Okay, so making merry is not an art. (But it sure is a lot of fun!) HUZZAH!

SCA HomePage


Well, that's it until I learn a little more! Thanks for stopping in, and someday I hope to reward passers-by with lots of neat stuff! Recent additions - New photos and stud dog info are up on the Rancho Del Oro page, but I still haven't debugged the html code to get our wedding pictures (accessible via a link embedded in the Our Story page) to come up properly, sorry!
Well, ta for now, and Be Well!
