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Welcome weary travellers, you are currently in the atmosphere of NeoTerra in the System of Hellesgarten.

A short introduction

The system of Hellesgarten has an interesting and glorious history. Founded in AD 3781 by the Fleet Commander, Neo Tiong Cheng, on a reconnaissance sortie near the Crab Nebula, the system was aptly named Hellesgarten, a Dutch word for beautiful passage.

Neo Tiong Cheng first landed on the NeoTerra on the 3rd of July, Standard Earth Calendar. Incidentally, it was also the birthday of the Founder. Upon landing, Commander Neo proclaimed the System to be a place where people could live peacefully, out of the reach of the corruption prevading almost in every developed system. The capital of Hellesgarten was named NeoTerra, simply New Land.

Since then, Hellesgarten had never looked back. With the blessings of the Federation of Sol based in Earth, Commander Neo based his fleet in Hellesgarten and worked towards the prosperity of Hellesgarten.

More of Hellesgarten history and information will be out soon. Keep a watch for it! (hopefully)

To the Executor orbiting NeoTerra.
To Tiong Cheng's NeoTerra Palace.
To Cynthoras, city in honour of Her Highness, Cynthia Koh.
To The Realm of Dreams:Noriko Sakai.
For cool links, Hellesgarten's Hyper-Link Port.
To Nori, the cute tadpole.
More links.
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people have passed through the system of Hellesgarten since 13th June 1997.

Last updated: 18th May 2003 (Previous update 9th October 1997)

9th July 2004: heh heh... bet no one realized this, that I may update this page afterall...

14th May 2006: Ditch Day is tomorrow!

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