--------- Brilliant --------- BEETHOVEN: Symphony 9 (2nd movement) BIZET: Carmen (March of the Toreadors) BORODIN: Polovstian Dances (numbers ?) GRIEG: Peer Gynt Suite No1: - In the Hall of the Mountain King HOLST: The Planets (Mars,Mercury,Jupiter,Uranus) St. Paul Suite Op29/2. (Jig) KHATCHATURIAN: Sabre Dance MUSSORGSKY: A Night on Bald Mountain Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade - The Gnome - Tuileries - Bydlo - Ballet of the Chicks in their Shells - Marketplace of the Limoges - Baba Yaga's Hut NIELSEN: Aladdin Op34. ACT3 - Oriental Festive March, Blackamoor's Dance Maskarade Overture OFFENBACH: Can Can ORFF: O'Fortuna PROKOFIEV: Toccata Op 11. Ten Pieces Op 12. (numbers 7,10) Sarcasmes Op 17. (number 1) Visions Fugitives Op 22. (numbers 14,15) Romeo and Juliet Op64. - Dance of the Knights Lieutenant Kije Suite Op60. - Romance - Troika Piano Concerto 5 Op55. (3rd movement) Symphony 1 Op25. (1st,4th movements) Symphony 5 Op100. (2nd movement) RACHMANINOV: Piano Preludes Op23. (number 5) RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: Flight of the Bumblebee ROSSINI: William Tell Overture (finale) SAINT-SAENS: Danse Macabre STRAVINSKY: Firebird Suite - Infernal Dance - Finale Pulcinella Suite TCHAIKOVSKY: The Nutcracker Op71. (Acts 1,2 and 4) WAGNER: Ride of the Valkyries --------- Very Good --------- ALKAN: Le chemin de fer Op27. (The Railway) BARTOK: Concerto for Orchestra Sz116. (1st,2nd,4th,5th movements) BORODIN: Symphony 2 (1st movement) BRAHMS: Hungarian Dance (number 5) Piano Concerto 2 Op83. (2nd,4th movements) DE FALLA: El Amour Brujo - Ritual Fire Dance GLIERE: Russian Sailor's Dance GLINKA: Russlan and Ludmilla Overture GRIEG: Peer Gynt Suite No1: - Morning - Anitra's Dance Peer Gynt Suite No2: - Arabian Dance Holberg Suite (Prelude, Rigaudon, Gavotte) PACHELBEL: Canon and Gigue PROKOFIEV: Four Pieces Op 4. (number 4) Sarcasmes Op 17. (number 2) Visions Fugitives Op22. (number 3,4,9,10,11) Gavotta Op 32. (number 3) Lieutenant Kije Suite Op60. - Birth - Marriage Piano Concerto 3 Op26. (1st,2nd,3rd movements) Piano Sonata 2 Op14. (4th movement) Piano Sonata 7 Op83. (3rd movement) Symphony 1 Op25. (2nd,3rd movements) Symphony 2 Op40. (1st movement) RACHMANINOV: Piano Concerto 2 (1st,3rd movements) STRAUSS: The Blue Danube STRAVINSKY: The Rite of Spring Symphony of Psalms (Psalm 39) ---------- Quite Good ---------- BACH: Toccata and Fugue Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring BEETHOVEN: Symphony 6 (3rd movement) BERNSTEIN: Serenade for Violin (after Plato) (3rd movement) BRAHMS: Scherzo in C minor for Violin and Piano BUSONI: Piano Concerto Op39. (2nd movement) CORRELLI: Concerti Grossi Op6. Number 8 (2nd movement) DVORAK: Symphony 9 (3rd,4th movements) Slavonic Dance (number 8) IVES: March III with Airs of 'Old Kentucky Home' LISZT: Piano Concerto 1 (3rd,4th movements) Hungarian Rhapsody No 2. MENDOLSSOHN: Violin Concerto in E minor (3rd movement) NIELSEN: Aladdin Op34. ACT2 - The beautiful square in Isfahan ACT4 - Aladdin's Dream and Dance of Morning Mist PROKOFIEV: Four Etudes Op 2. (number 1,4) Sarcasmes Op 17. (numbers 3,4) Cinderella Op 87. ACT1 - The Dancing Lesson Piano Concerto 1 Op10. (1st,3rd movements) Violin Concerto 1 Op19. (1st movement) SAINT-SAENS: Symphony 3 (1st,4th movement) SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphony 10 Op93. (2nd movement) STRAVINSKY: Fireworks Op4. TCHAIKOVSKY: Piano Concerto 1 Op23. (3rd movement) Symphony 5 Op64. (4th movement) Swan Lake Op20. - Waltz - Finale Sleeping Beauty Op66. - Waltz VINE: Microsymphony WIDOR: Symphony 6 (2nd movement) --------------- Reasonably Good --------------- ADAMS: Chamber Symphony (Roadrunner) Grand Pianola Music (On the Dominant Divide) ALKAN: Preludes Op31. (no 1) Impromptus Op32. (no 1,3) 12 Etudes Op35. (no 6) Esquisses Op63. (no 2,4,10,16) BACH: Fantasia and Fugue BARTOK: Four Pieces for Orchestra Sz51. (2nd,3rd movements) 44 Duos for 2 Violins Sz98. (Nos 26,27,32,35,36) BEETHOVEN: Piano Concerto 4 (3rd movement) Symphony 3 (1st movement) Symphony 7 (3rd movement) King Stephen Overture BRAHMS: Hungarian Dance (number 1,2,6) Liebeslieder Waltzes Op52. (numbers 2,5,6,11) Symphony 1 Op68. (1st movement) CHOPIN: Piano Sonata 1 (Grand Waltz Brillante) CORRELLI: Concerto Grossi Op6. - Number 7 (1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th movements) - Number 8 (1st,3rd,4th,5th,6th movements) - Number 9 (1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th movements) - Number 10 (1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th movements) - Number 11 (1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th movements) - Number 12 (1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th movements) DE FALLA: El Amour Brujo - Dance of Terror EASTON: Concerto on Australian Themes (1st,3rd movement) Concerto for Piano Accordion, Piano and Strings (1st,3rd movements) An Australian in Paris ELGAR: Enigma Variations Op36. (Nimrod + E.D.U) ENESCU: Romanian Rhapsody No 1. IVES: Three Places in New England - Putnam Camp - Connecticut JANACEK: String Quartet 2 (1st movement) LISZT: Piano Concerto 1 (1st,2nd movements) MENDOLSSOHN: Piano Concerto 2 (1st movement) Violin Concerto in E minor (1st,2nd movements) MUSSORGSKY: Pictures at an Exhibition - The Great Gates of Kiev NIELSEN: Aladdin Op34. ACT3 - Chinese Dance, Hindu Dance PROKOFIEV: Cinderella Op 87. ACT1 - Introduction, The Sister's New Clothes, Gavotte, The Sleeping Fairy, Grasshoppers and Dragonflies, Departure for the Ball, Cinderella Dreams of the Ball, The Autumn Fairy, The Winter Fairy, Interrupted Departure, Clock Scene, Cinderella Departs for the Ball. Visions Fugitives Op 22. (numbers 1,2,5,6,7,8,12,13,16) Piano Concerto 2 Op16. (2nd movement) Piano Concerto 4 Op53. (1st,4th movement) Piano Concerto 5 Op55. (1st,2nd,5th movements) Piano Sonata 2 Op14. (1st,2nd movements) Violin Concerto 1 Op19. (2nd movement) Violin Sonata 1 Op115. (1st movement) Waltzes Op110. - Mephisto Waltz from Lermontov. - Waltz for the New Years ball from W&P. String Quartet 1 Op50. (1st,2nd movements) String Quartet 2 Op92. (1st movement) Symphony 2 Op40. (2nd movement) Symphony 3 Op44. (1st,3rd movements) Symphony 7 Op131. (1st,2nd,3rd,4th movements) RACHMANINOV: Symphony 2 (2nd,4th movement) SAINT-SAENS: Piano Concerto 2 Op22. (2nd,3rd movements) SCHUMANN: Symphony 1 (1st,3rd,4th movements) SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphony 8 Op65. (2nd movement) SIBELIUS: Symphony 2 (1st movement) Violin Concerto (1st movement) TCHAIKOVSKY: Piano Concerto 1 Op23. (1st,2nd movement) Fatum Op77. Symphony 4 Op36. (1st movement) Symphony 5 Op64. (1st movement) Symphony 6 Op74. (3rd movement) Serenade for Strings Op48. - Waltz Variations on a Rococo Theme Op33. -------------- Not Very Good -------------- ADAMS: Chamber Symphony (1st,2nd movements) Grand Pianola Music (1st,2nd movements) ALKAN: Preludes Op31. (no 13,17) 12 Etudes Op35. (no 12) Piano Pieces Op39. (no 3) Esquisses Op63. (no 5,8,13,21,32) BARTOK: `Elegy' Dance Suite (1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th movements) Four Pieces for Orchestra Sz51. (1st,3rd and 4th) 44 Duos for 2 violins Sz98. (Nos 29,30,37) BEETHOVEN: Symphony 5 (1st movement) Symphony 9 (4th movement) Violin Concerto Op61. (3rd movement) BERLIOZ: Symphony Fantastique Op14. (1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th movements) BERNSTEIN: Serenade for violin (after Plato) (1st,5th movements) BORODIN: Symphony 1 (1st,2nd,3rd,4th movements) Symphony 2 (2nd,3rd,4th movements) BRAHMS: Choral Music (Rosemary) Liebeslieder Waltzes Op52. (numbers 1,3,4,7,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,16,17,18) Hungarian Dances (numbers 3,4,7,8,9,10,11,12) Piano Concerto 1 Op15. (1st movement) Piano Concerto 2 Op83. (1st movement) Symphony 1 Op68. (2nd,3rd and 4th movements) Symphony 2 Op73. (1st,2nd,3rd,4th movements) BRUCKNER: Symphony 7 (3rd movement) BUSONI: Piano Concerto Op39. (1st,3rd movements) DEBUSSY: Sonata for Violin and Piano (1st,2nd,3rd movements) DVORAK: Symphony 6 (4th movement) Symphony 9 (1st movement) EASTON: Concerto on Australian Themes (2nd movement) Concerto for Piano Accordion, Piano and Strings (2nd movement) ELGAR: Cello Concerto Op85. (1st,2nd,3rd,4th movements) Enigma Variations Op36. (except Nimrod and E.D.U) FAURE: Sonata for Violin and Piano Op13. (1st,3rd,4th movements) FRANCK: Sonata for Violin and Piano (2nd,4th movements) GORECKI: Symphony 3 (1st,2nd,3rd movements) GRIEG: Piano Concerto 1 (1st,2nd,3rd movements) HINDEMITH: Symphony in E-flat minor (1st movement) Symphonic Metamorphoses on Weber (1st,2nd,4th movements) HOLST: The Planets (Venus,Saturn) IVES: Symphony 3 (1st,2nd,3rd movements) Central Park in the Dark Three Places in New England (1st,3rd) JANACEK: String Quartet 2 (2nd,3rd,4th movements) LISZT: Hungarian Rhapsody No.6 MAHLER: Symphony 1 (2nd,3rd movements) MEDTNER: Piano Concerto 1 (1st,2nd,3rd movements) Sonata-Ballade Op27. (1st,2nd,3rd movements) MENDELSOHN: Piano Concerto 2 (2nd,3rd movements) MESSAIEN: Quartet for the End of Time MOZART: Symphony 30 (1st,2nd,3rd movements) Symphony 39 (1st,2nd,3rd,4th movements) Symphony 40 (1st,2nd,3rd,4th movements) Piano Concerto 21 (1st,2nd,3rd movements) Piano Concerto 22 (1st,2nd,3rd movements) Piano Concerto 23 (1st,2nd,3rd movements) Piano Concerto 25 (1st,2nd,3rd movements) Piano Concerto 26 (1st,2nd,3rd movements) Piano Concerto 27 (1st,2nd,3rd movements) NIELSEN: Symphony 4 (1st,2nd,3rd,4th movements) Symphony 5 (1st,2nd movements) Aladdin Op34. Prologue ACT1 - Flute Solo, Funeral Procession, Andante ACT2 - Distant Festival Music ACT3 - Genie of the Lamp, March, Dance and Chorus ACT4 - Poco adagio, Genie of the Lamp, Andantino maestoso, Andante maestoso ACT5 - Andante, Andantino quasi allegro, The Struggle Between Hindbad and Aladdin Eulogy OFFENBACH: Cello Concerto (1st,2nd,3rd movements) PROKOFIEV: Dreams Op6. Children's Suite Op 65. (numbers 6,12) Waltzes Op110. ("Since We Met" from W&P). Two Pushkin Waltzes Op120. Concertino Op132. (3rd movement) Lieutenant Kije Suite Op60. - Finale Cinderella Op87. ACT 1 - Pas de Chale, Cinderella, The Father, The Beggar-woman Fairy, The Beggarwoman Returns, The Summer Fairy Piano Concerto 1 Op10. (2nd movement) Piano Concerto 2 Op16. (1st,3rd,4th movements) Piano Concerto 4 Op53. (2nd,3rd movements) Piano Concerto 5 Op55. (4th movement) Piano Sonata 1 Op1. Piano Sonata 7 Op83. (1st movement) Piano Sonata 8 Op84. (1st,2nd,3rd movements) String Quartet 2 Op92. (2nd,3rd movements) Symphony 3 Op44. (2nd,4th movements) Violin Concerto 1 Op19. (3rd movement) Violin Concerto 2 Op63. (1st,2nd,3rd movement) Violin Sonata Op115. (2nd,3rd movements) Visions Fugitives Op 22. (numbers 17,18,19,20) RACHMANINOV: Piano Concerto 2 (2nd movement) Piano Concerto 3 (1st movement) RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: Symphony 1 Op1. (1st,2nd,3rd,4th movements) Symphony 2 Op9. (1st,2nd,3rd,4th movements) SAINT-SAENS: Cello Concerto 1 Op33. Piano Concerto 4 Op44. (2nd,4th movements) Symphony 3 (2nd,3rd movements) SCHOENBERG: Verklarte Nacht Op4. SCHUBERT: Symphony 8 (1st movement) SCHUMANN: Symphony 1 (1st,3rd,4th movements) Intoduction and Allegro Op134. SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphony 8 Op65. (3rd movement) Symphony 9 Op73. (1st,3rd movements) SIBELIUS: Symphony 2 (2nd,3rd,4th movements) Violin Concerto (1st,2nd movements) SMETANA: Die Moldau STRAVINSKY: Symphony of Psalms (Psalm 40, Psalm 150) The King of the Stars Petrushka Suite The Song of the Nightingale TCHAIKOVSKY: Grand Sonata Op37. (1st movement) Symphony 4 Op36. (2nd,3rd,4th movement) Symphony 5 Op64. (2nd,3rd movement) Serenade for Strings Op48. - Introduction - Elegy - Finale Violin Concerto Op35. (1st,2nd,3rd movements) VERDI: Requiem WEBERN: Five Pieces Op5. ----------- Very Boring ----------- ALKAN: Preludes Op31. (no 25) 12 Etudes Op35. (no 8) Symphony Op39. (no 5 (second movement)) Esquisses Op63. (no 1,3,18,38,43,48) BACH: Goldberg Variations BWV 988. BARTOK: 44 Duos for 2 Violins Sz98. (Nos 21,28) BEETHOVEN: Piano Concerto 4 (1st,2nd movements) Piano Concerto 5 (1st,2nd,3rd movements) Symphony 6 (1st,2nd,4th,5th movements) Symphony 7 (1st,2nd,4th movements) Symphony 9 (1st,3rd movements) Violin Concerto Op61. (1st,2nd movements) BERG: String Quartet Op3. BERNSTEIN: Serenade for violin (after Plato) (2nd,4th movements) BORODIN: Symphony 3 (1st,2nd movements) BRAHMS: Piano Concerto 1 Op15. (2nd,3rd movements) Piano Concerto 2 Op83. (3rd movement) DVORAK: Slavonic Dance (numbers 1,10,11,13) Symphony 6 (1st,2nd,3rd movements) Symphony 9 (2nd movement) Violin Concerto (1st,2nd,3rd movements) EASTON: Beasts of the Bush FAURE: Sonata for Violin and Piano Op13. (2nd movement) FRANCK: Sonata for Violin and Piano (1st,3rd movements) HANDEL: Organ Concerto Op4.#1.(1st,2nd,3rd,4th movements) Organ Concerto Op4.#4.(1st,2nd,3rd,4th movements) Organ Concerto Op4.#13(1st,2nd,3rd,4th movements) HAYDN: Symphony 83 (1st,2nd,3rd,4th movements) Symphony 100 (1st,2nd,3rd,4th movements) Symphony 104 (1st,2nd,3rd,4th movements) HINDEMITH: Symphony in E-flat minor (2nd,3rd,4th movements) Concert Music for Strings and Brass Op50. (all of) Symphonic Metamorphoses on Weber (3rd movement) HOLST: The Planets (Neptune) LISZT: At the Grave of Richard Wagner MAHLER: Symphony 1 (1st,4th movements) MARTINU: String Quartet 2 (1st,2nd,3rd movements) MENDELSOHN: Symphony 3 (1st,2nd,3rd,4th movements) MUSSORGSKY: Pictures at an Exhibition - The Old Castle NIELSEN: Aladdin Op34. ACT1 - Adagio ACT2 - Genie of the Lamp, Gulnare and Aladdin ACT3 - Andante, March of the Prisoners ACT4 - Gulnare's Song, Aladdin Visiting His Mother's Grave ACT5 - Andante con moto, Fatime's Song PROKOFIEV: Four Etudes Op 2. (numbers 2,3) Four Pieces Op 4. (numbers 1,3) Autumnal Sketch Op 8. Nocturne Op 43. (number 2) Paysage Op 59. (number 2) Pensees Op 62. (numbers 1,2,3) Cello Sonata Op119. (1st,2nd,3rd movements) Piano Sonata 2 Op14. (3rd movement) Piano Sonata 4 Op29. (1st,2nd,3rd movements) Piano Sonata 6 Op82. (1st,2nd,3rd,4th movements) Piano Sonata 7 Op83. (2nd movement) String Quartet 1 Op50. (3rd movement) Symphony 5 Op100.(1st,3rd,4th movements) Symphony 6 Op111.(1st,2nd,3rd movements) Symphony-Concertante Op125. (1st,2nd,3rd movements) Concertino Op132. (1st,2nd movements) RACHMANINOV: Piano Concerto 3 (2nd,3rd movements) Symphony 2 (1st,3rd movements) SAINT-SAENS: Piano Concerto 2 Op22. (1st movement) Piano Concerto 4 Op44. (1st,3rd movement) SCHUBERT: Rosamunde Overture Trout Quintet String Quartet 14 (1st,2nd,3rd movements) Symphony 8 (2nd movement) SCHUMANN: Piano Concerto (1st,2nd,3rd movements) SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphony 8 Op65. (1st,4th,5th movements) Symphony 9 Op73. (2nd,4th,5th movements) Symphony 10 Op93. (1st,3rd,4th movements) TCHAIKOVSKY: Grand Sonata Op37. (2nd,3rd,4th movements) Hamlet Overture Op67. Symphony 6 Op74. (1st,2nd,4th movements)