I would highly recommend _Charade_ _Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade_ _Star Wars_ _The Empire Strikes Back_ _The Running Man_ _Plan 9 From Outer Space_ _The Sting_ _The Great Escape_ _Back to the Future_ _Jaws_ _Mr Vampire_ _The Incredibles_ These are quite worth watching _Army of Darkness_ _Clue_ _The Big Sleep_ _The Treasure of the Sierra Madre_ _Rear Window_ _The Lady Vanishes_ _Psycho_ _Lawrence of Arabia_ _The Princess Bride_ _FX_ _Aliens_ _The Maltese Falcon_ _Delicatessen_ _Better off Dead_ _Fletch_ _Top Secret_ _Hotshots_ _The Shining_ _Duel_ _Magic Cop_ _The Great Train Robbery_ _The Wages of Fear_ _Wait Until Dark_ _The Thin Blue Line_ _Once Upon a Time in China_ _Little Shop of Horrors_ _A Fistful of Dollars_ _The Taking of Pelham 123_ _Tremors_ _Hudson Hawk_ _Brain Donors_ _Noises Off_ _Fargo_ _Life is Beautiful_ _The Matrix_ _Ocean's Eleven_ _Road to Perdition_