Gargamel: Gargamel wanted to capture the Smurfs and make gold out of them. Well why not?! Even as a four-year old I hated those little blue freaks and their rancid singing. How do you know the Smurfs didn't torment Gargamel and his cat Azrael off screen? I mean, there must be a reason why he has no hair!
Skeletor and Hordak: Hordak was a general who conquered Etheria and tried to conquer Eternia. He had the ability to turn himself into various war-machines, such as a tank or a jet fighter. What most kids didn't know was that if he failed, Horde Prime would've demoted or maimed him. Skeletor used to be his right-hand man, but eventually he struck it out on his own to fight He-Man and He-Man's hair. He was a powerful sorcerer. Both guys were totally judged unfairly simply because they chose to battle indecently-clad people. Skeletor and Hordak were simply promoting some moral standards!
Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane (with his dog Flash!): Remember the worst driver in the Dukes of Hazzard? Well, it wasn't his fault his county was too poor to train him properly and give him a car fast enough to match the "General Lee." In fact, his pay was so bad he needed to rely on Boss Hogg. No one seemed to appreciate that he had to maintain law and order in Hazzard County; they were too busy gaping at Bo and Daisy. Did you know that James Best, the actor who played Rosco also performed in Shakespearean theatricals? It should be obvious; a strong actor is needed to portray Rosco.
Rosco, doing his duty as Hazzard County Sheriff
Rosco making a slight error...
Grune the Destroyer: Grune was a little-known "villain" on Thundercats. Apparently he was a Thundercat himself until he decided pillaging and destroying was more fun than saving lives. I'm sure no one gave him the respect he deserved (they were all looking at Lion-O or Panthro), and he felt unappreciated. His subseqent explosion of anger was probably the result of bravely repressed emotions. Anyway, he kicked the crap out of all the other Thundercats with his ultra-cool sledgehammer (he was definitely the Thundercat with the best weapon) but then Jaga defeated him with Lion-O's sword.
"Grune the Destroyer has come for his revenge!"
Sideshow Bob: Sideshow Bob used to be Krusty the Clown's partner on The Simpsons, but he got sick of being mistreated and framed Krusty for robbery. Bart exposed him and in revenge Bob tried to kill Bart and his aunt Selma Bouvier. Failing miserably, he attempted to become mayor of Springfield to evict the Simpsons from their home. He was imprisoned, but he escaped and stole a nuclear weapon. He threatened to use it to rob Springfield of television. Bob was imprisoned again but released on good behavior, remanded to the care of his brother Cecil. Cecil embezzled money and framed Bob, but Cecil was revealed and Bob saved Springfield. Nevertheless, he was imprisoned again. Currently Sideshow Bob is residing in Springfield Penitentiary with Cecil.
Sideshow Bob really had a good heart. He wanted to remove the evils of TV, and in the end he did save Springfield from his brother. Yeah, he did try to kill Bart, but Bart can take care of himself.
Sideshow Bob runs into Bart and Lisa
Sideshow Bob tells us which political party we really support
Grand Admiral Thrawn: The greatest Star Wars "villain." Thrawn was his people's greatest warrior and tactician. Unlike his people who believed in fighting only in self-defense, Thrawn knew preemptive strikes would assure victory against his people's enemies. Unfortunately, he was exiled by his people to an empty world because of his methods. Luckily, he was recruited by the Galactic Empire and eventually became a very high-ranked officer. Five years after the Emperor died at Endor, Thrawn launched an offensive against the Rebellion, and he would've won if the Rebels didn't discover his cloning facility. Thrawn was eventually stabbed in the back (literally) by his bodyguard and died. Thrawn wasn't a bad guy; he just wanted to defend his people. Even though his methods were extreme he cared, at least.
Agent Alex Krycek: Krycek was Mulder's partner after the X-Files were closed. Then in a wise career move, he betrayed the FBI and was hired by Cigarette Smoking Man! CSM ordered Krycek to assassinate Mulder, but instead he killed Mulder's dad and Scully's sister. CSM knew Krycek would be too dangerous alive so he sent some goons to eliminate him. Krycek escaped to Hong Kong where he was subsequently possessed by an alien being. They went to its spaceship, but unfortunately Krycek was then trapped in the missile silo where it was located. Thankfully, a local militia blew him out. Krycek's next employer was the Russian government. While trying to kill Mulder (again) some guys hacked off his arm. Krycek returned to the Syndicate and did more bad things. Krycek's problem was that he couldn't get a good, stable job. His employers were either pus-bags or they tried to kill him on the job!
Krycek telling the United Nations what to do with him
Krycek doesn't like being left behind
Krycek getting an important phone call
Sephiroth: This silver-haired freak was created by the evil Shinra Corporation in Final Fantasy VII from Jenova cells. He served as Shinra's #1 soldier with a real LONG sword called Masamune until he discovered how he was created (or, at least how he thought he was created). He went nuts and burned Cloud's village. Cloud stabbed him from behind and sent him tumbling into a reactor. Sephiroth died, but his soul would not enter the Lifestream, and he returned as an evil spirit. He went on to murder a really nice person named Aeris and then attempt to make a wound in the planet with Meteor so he could become a god. In reality, Sephiroth was the son of the evil scientist Hojo and the beautiful Lucrecia. Clearly he suffered great trauma as a kid and thus he deserves at least some consideration. Additionally, Sephiroth was probably discriminated against because of his odd hair color; apparently affirmative action does exclude SOME oppressed minorities.