Publication List
Dead Inside: The Roleplaying Game of Loss & Redemption
Embrace your Virtue.
Resist your Vice.
Perform noble deeds.
Find meaning.
Fight crime.
Regain your soul.
More info available at the Atomic Sock Monkey Press website.
Imago Deck
Cold, Hard World: The Real World Sourcebook for the Dead Inside RPG
Keeping It Real
In Dead Inside (DI), the Real World is the same as the world we all live in. . . a cold, hard world where spiritual power is weak. Still, the supernatural beings of the Cosmos -- Dead Inside, Sensitives, Magi, Ghosts, Zombis, and Free Spirits -- bring their subtle horrors, mysteries, and wonders with them into the everyday: hiding behind corners, lurking in shadows, dancing right under the noses of soul-blind Average People.
Within Cold, Hard World, you will find:
- All of the information on the Real World from DI collected into one place, with expanded detail on how spiritual talents operate there. Also, further information on its strange inhabitants: Average People.
- In-depth descriptions of many Places and Times of Power, as well as new Notable NPCs, Organizations, and Enchanted Objects.
- Several Real World adventure ideas, and a random adventure generator tool for DI GMs.
- New optional "reloads" of the core DI setting (and rules) for very different campaigns focusing on the Real World.

Cold, Hard World is available from RPGNow for $8.
Download it now, and look out your window to see -- maybe for the first time -- the supernatural hopes and fears of the Real World.
Monkey, Ninja, Pirate, Robot Deluxe
Monkey, Ninja, Pirate, Robot: the Roleplaying Game

More info available at the Atomic Sock Monkey Press website.
Go beyond the board!
In a world where champions fight:
- For sweet, sweet uranium,
- To defeat their enemies in brutal Challenges, and
- To save the Earth from Alien Invaders,
Only a Monkey, Ninja, Pirate, or Robot has the Mojo to get the job done!
Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies

More info available at the 7 Skies website.
Skyships ply the 7 Skies, soaring from Cloud-Island to Cloud-Island for conquest, espionage, trade, and piracy. Kingdoms clash, cultures collide, and secrets abound. Heroes and villains roam Above the Blue, seeking action, intrigue, adventure, and style. Will you be one of them?
Truth & Justice

More info available at the Atomic Sock Monkey Press website.
Superhero stories celebrate heroism and "mad, beautiful ideas" in adventurous, stylish, and fun ways; Truth & Justice (T&J) is the new superhero RPG from Atomic Sock Monkey Press dedicated to just that. Fast, fun, and streamlined
Are you ready for some truth & justice? Grab your cape, cowl, and utility belt and go!
The Zorcerer of Zo

More info available at the Atomic Sock Monkey Press website.
The Zorcerer of Zo is the new fairytale RPG from Atomic Sock Monkey Press crafted to unite the ordinary and the extraordinary in your game. Through evocative setting, straightforward rules, direct gamemastering advice, and extensive Actual Play notes, ZoZ helps you be zantabulous!
Campaign in a Box
I have a bimonthly column in Pyramid Magazine. (See below for more articles of mine from this electronic publication.)
"Campaign in a Box" (CiaB) is a handy resource for Game Masters. Every other month, I give the core elements of an RPG campaign, ready and waiting for adaptation to the reader's favored game system. I offer advice and comments on how to run it, twist it, and make it their own.
- Futura City, The City Of Tomorrow - 6/8/2001
The future looks bright in this 1930s campaign . . . doesn't it? With advice for making your pulp games pulpier. (Hero Pulp with Arcane Abilities)
- Psi, Psi West - 8/17/01
This generic campaign setting mixes the iconic with the psionic. So . . . are you good, bad, or ugly? ("Spaghetti" Westerns, plus Psychic Powers)
- Planet Ugarte, Backwater of the Terran Hegemony - 10/19/2001
And they said you'd never find a more wretched hive . . . (Space Opera with a dose of Noir)
- The Tides of Yool - 12/21/2001
Pirates and clockpunk and whiskers on kittens . . . (Swashbuckling Clockpunk Fantasy)
- Hyperworld vs. the Invadroids - 2/15/2002
Earth is invaded! And that's arguably not even the interesting part . . . (Supers with Alien Invasion Robots/Monsters and Mecha)
- Toybox Tribes - 4/19/2002
If you go into the house today you're sure of a big surprise. If you go into the house today you'd better go in disguise . . . [Experimental (Fantasy or Science Fiction) and/or Horror]
- Kung-Fu Crucible - 6/21/2002
This time we finish it; there can be only one . . . (Martial Arts Action, plus Conspiracy, Combat Action, Mystery Options)
- Robogenesis - 8/16/2002
Robo, ergo sum in this space opera world that turns "us versus them" on its side. (Space Opera Action, plus Survival and Conflict)
- The Bat Pack - 10/18/2002
This setting has horror, power, and a web of lies so damning it threatens all who get ensnared. Note: This article deals with mature themes without pulling punches. (Horror)
- Immaculata Colony - 12/20/2002
Step through the gate into a strange new world . . . you may even survive. (Fantasy)
- CyberSoapOpera - 2/21/2003
Like electrons through the chronometer, so are the days of our lives . . . (Science Fiction/Soap Opera)
- Dream Police - 4/18/2003
Sometimes law enforcement is a nightmare . . . and sometimes the reverse is true. ("Psionic" Cops)
- The Flint Age - 6/20/2003
Faster than a speeding spear. More powerful than a trireme . . . (Caveman Supers)
- Planet Intoxica, Jewel of the Terran Hegemony - 8/15/2003
Intrigue! Politics! Blobmen in space! (Space Opera with a dose of Noir)
- Polymath Prep - 10/17/2003
Behold this island refuge where geeks are free to roam among their own kind. (Smart Kids/School Hijinks [Science Fiction])
- Obelisk Online - 10/24/2003
It's a world much like our own, only with lots more oddly shaped dice . . . [Alternate Earth]
- Summer's End - 10/31/2003
It's just like a pleasant camping trip in the woods . . . what could possibly go wrong? [Dark Fantasy/Horror]
- The Sevenpart Soul - 12/19/2003
Tell grandma good-bye, drop the bread crumbs, and step into this fairy tale campaign. [Fairy Tale]
- Spy Games - 2/20/2004
If this ever-changing world in which we live in makes you give in and cry, then live and let spy. [Espionage]
- LudiCROUS - 4/16/2004
The general rule of sports is that everyone agrees to play by the same rules. Unless, of course, that rule has been changed by Rule 1 . . . [Sports]
- Psi Fi Exodus - 6/18/2004
The truth is out there, but it's showing up here soon . . . [Psionic Space Opera]
- The Squire of Bonamy - 8/20/2004
Think of this fantasy setting as a squire peg in a round hole . . . [Working-class Fantasy heroes]
- Monkey Mutterings - 4/15/2005
This installment isn't about making a unique game world, but about the business of making a unique game world. [Meta; Business Discussion]
- Emperor of the Swords (Part I) - 5/13/2005
Our biggest Campaign in a Box ever begins this week . . . and it's as epic as it sounds. [Fantasy; Baroque Adventure]
- Emperor of the Swords (Part II) - 5/20/2005
Our epic campaign concludes, with fantastic adventure aplenty. [Fantasy; Baroque Adventure]
- Behind the Musick - 7/15/2005
How far can you take it 'til you realize there's magic in your eyes? [Musical Urban Fantasy]
- Yrth 2 - 9/16/2005
If you're lost in space on some exotic star trek, be sure to stop by
this forbidden planet. [Science Fiction; Infinite Worlds]
- Information Flow -- Court Politics - 11/18/2005
When it comes to good campaigns, sometimes you have to know with the flow.
[GM Tool; Fantasy Worked Example]
- Galaxy Prix - 1/6/2006
To infinity and beyond . . . with a full tank of fuel. [Science Fiction Spaceship Racing]
Let Me Tell You About My Character...
For six months, I wrote a monthly column at RPGnet called "Let Me Tell You About My Character..."
Each LMTYAMC... column contains two parts:
- A systemless character description, complete with goals, adventure seeds & plot hooks, and hints for using the character in alternate genres; and
- A short discussion about where I got the character idea, as well as random bits and pieces of things I'm thinking about gaming, geekdom, life, the universe, and everything.
When I say "systemless character description," I'm talking about a prose description consisting of:
- Pseudo-Stats to give you a rough estimate for conversion to your favorite game system. The Pseudo-Stat rankings are -- in order of skill -- Poor, Average, Good, Expert, and Master. I'll use Pseudo-Stats for both characters and equipment.
- Goals allow you to tweak characters to make them either heroic, self-interested or the "average person" (I use "Star" to indicate that the character is the star of their own life story, here -- neither good nor bad), or villainous.
- Adventure Seeds & Plot Hooks and Alternate Worlds should be self-explanatory.
I stopped writing LMTYAMC... due to several factors:
- Upswing in paying work;
- Downswing in reader response;
- Impending Sekrit Projects (D, G, and T); and
- Lack of time.
I do hope to revisit the concept -- if not the column -- in the future.
Unknown Armies
Unknown Armies is copyright and trademark Greg Stolze and John Tynes, used under license.
Unknown Armies, from Atlas Games.
Postmodern Magick: The Unnatural Sourcebook for Unknown Armies
Contributing Author
February 2000, ISBN: 1-887801-81-2
Statosphere: The Invisible Clergy Sourcebook for Unknown Armies
Contributing Author
May 2000, ISBN: 1-887801-84-7
Hush Hush: The Sleepers Sourcebook for Unknown Armies
Contributing Author
November 2000, ISBN: 1-887801-93-6
Weep: Six Scenarios of Woe and Ruin for Unknown Armies
Author, "The Green Glass Grail (or The Real Thing, Baby)"
August 2001, ISBN: 1-58978-000-0
Unknown Armies, 2nd Edition
Additional Design & Writing By; Second Edition Peer Review; "Ritualist"; "Rumormonger"; and Special Thanks.
July 2002, ISBN: 1-58978-013-2
Break Today: The Mak Attax Sourcebook
Contributing Author
April 2003, ISBN: 1-58978-016-7
GURPS from Steve Jackson Games.
GURPS Steam-Tech
Contributing Author
December 2001, Stock #SJG6422, ISBN 1-55634-563-1
GURPS Temple of the Lost Gods
January 2005, Stock SJG82-0006
72-page PDF (2.6 MB)
(formerly "Sekrit Projekt T")
Gamma World
Gamma World from Sword & Sorcery Studios.
Gamma World Game Master's Guide
Contributing Author, Chapter 4, "Plots & Plans"
March 2004, Stock #WW17251, ISBN 1-58846-068-1
"Didn't This Guy Read Frankenstein, For Cryin' Out Loud?"(introduction to HP Lovecraft's Herbert West: Reanimator, illustrated by Christopher Shy); February 2003; available from RPGNow.
"The Cavendish Memo" (a Crisis for Executive Decision, by Greg Stolze); October 2005; this game is freely available from [ ].
Executive Decision: Like power? Hate responsibility? Executive Decision is the real-time RPG where you and other cabinet members pursue your own agendas in competition for the Commander-in-Chief's trust.
Electronic Articles
Check out Pyramid Magazine.
- "Designer's Notes: Monkey, Ninja, Pirate, Robot Deluxe" -- 6/4/2004
- "Lovecraftian Supers: Using the Mythos to Power Your Metahumans" -- (with Josh Marquart) -- 11/22/2002
- "Cinematic Points!: GURPS Rules for Cinematic Play" -- 8/9/2002
- "Iron Ref 2: Fantasy -- Bitter Water, Sweet Magic" - 8/3/2001
- �Terra Incognita: The Puzzle Box� - 09/08/2000
- �Supporting Cast: Helen Dixon, Meddling Kid� - 06/23/2000
- �Playing Unknown Armies By the Book� - 10/08/1999
- �Supporting Cast: Charles de Batz, Freelance Reality Cop� - 08/13/1999
- �20 New Skills for Unknown Armies Characters� - 06/25/1999
- �The Deathtrap Construction Kit� - 04/23/1999
- �Of Course You Realize This Means . . . Wiz War!� - 03/26/1999
- �Secret Santa Man� - 12/18/1998
- �The Brass Pyramid� - 10/23/1998
- �The Power Within: Chi Magic� - 09/25/1998
Other Online Material
- Care Package: I've written a chapter in the Unknown Armies Collaborative Novel Project. It's Chapter 4, and subtitled "Care Package." Please note that there are typos still in it and it needs more polishing. While it is tied to the UA setting, I tried to make it readable and understandable to those who might not be familiar with the setting. I'd love to hear your comments on it. You can download a PDF file of it by right-clicking here.
- The Flesh is Willing, But the Spirit is Weak: Here's a short story I wrote about a year later, again in the Unknown Armies oevre, called "The Flesh is Willing, But the Spirit is Weak." I really enjoy parts of this one, despite its overall warts.
- Magic Carpet Ride: Here's a short, informative, op-ed sort of thing for a free internet fanzine called Sabledrake Magazine called "Magic Carpet Ride: Is Fantasy Played Out?," dealing with the nature of Fantasy vs. Mimetic Fiction, based on the ideas of one of my professors at Penn State. This op-ed piece is a bit slight, but I feel that the core concept is interesting.
Playtesting Credits
I'm also credited as a playtester on the following RPG products (3e indicates GURPS, Third Edition and 4e is GURPS, Fourth Edition):
Steve Jackson Games
- GURPS Alternate Earths 2 (3e)
- GURPS Atlantis (3e)
- GURPS Banestorm (4e)
- GURPS Basic Set, Fourth Edition (under "Helpful Comments")
- GURPS Blue Planet (3e)
- GURPS Cabal (3e)
- GURPS Castle Falkenstein (3e)
- GURPS Castle Falkenstein: The Ottoman Empire (3e)
- GURPS Cliffhangers, 2nd Edition (3e)
- GURPS Dragons (4e)
- GURPS Infinite Worlds (4e)
- GURPS In Nomine (3e)
- GURPS Low-Tech (3e)
- GURPS Ogre (3e)
- GURPS Spirits (3e)
- GURPS Steampunk (3e)
- GURPS Steam-Tech (3e)
- GURPS Swashbucklers, 3rd Edition (3e)
- GURPS Update (3e to 4e; as "Helpful Suggestions")
- Hellboy Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game (Powered By GURPS; 3e)
- Transhuman Space: Toxic Memes (Powered by GURPS; 3e)
Guardians of Order Games
- Hong Kong Action Theater, 2nd Edition
- Silver Age Sentinels: The Superhero Role-Playing Game
- Uresia: Grave of Heaven
Possible Project: StormFront
...for an announcement about a project I'm working on for MicroTactix Games, the makers of such fine gaming products as Simply Roleplaying! (version 2 now available as a free download), Compact Combat, Budget Battlefield, Dirt Cheep Scenics, and Cardstock Creations. The products are generally electronic, downloadable documents. Nice design and quite cheap. Check �em out!
"Sekrit Projekt 7" (real title forthcoming)
On hiatus.
(c) 2007 Underkoffler
Last Modified: February 2, 2007