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Hi! Welcome to my homepage!

This site is has been created by the 1999's Strangest Personality Award Winner (Me!) at South Florida's Radio Alternative, 88.5 FM WKPX. The station that serves Sunrise, Fl., Ft. Lauderdale, Fl, and your part of Broward County, Fl
 {King of the Hill} {Art Gallery} {Bowser} {Death}
{Dive sites} {Extra Stars} {Futurerama} {Games Menu}
{Jokes} {Lower Floor} {Mario Tips and Tricks} {Marketplace}
{Mindstorm} {Multimedia} {NASCAR} {Pokemon}
{RPG} {Shadows} {Simpsons} {South Park}
{Sportslinks} {Switches} {The Sports Bar} {Upper Floor}
{Video Games} {Video Games Other} {Warps} Yoshi
{Foxtrot} {Calvin & Hobbes} {My Cyber Race Team} {My Dolphin Fan Page}
{Laser Quest} {Yesterworld} {Roller Coaster} The Sims}
{NHL Online League}

{Dizzy's Page}


Newsest parts of the website in 2000

Like to know whats going on "The Simpsons"? Click here for the latest episode summeries, and who are the people of Springfield.

I will also create a new page dedicated to Matt Gretting's newest creation, called Futurama. Click here for info on the show.

Looking for dive sites. Click here for the latest dive sites to snorkel or scuba dive

Here is a little about myself.

I am 19 years old and I go to BCC Central Campus in Davie, Fl. I like memorizing the Sports World (Statistics, Records, etc.), playing video games, laser tag (I'm a member of laser quest in Sunrise. Code name is Pikachu. Click here to go to the laser quest webpage.) air hockey, and joking around a bit. I am also a big Star Wars fan. If you have comments,suggestions, and like my site, please e-mail me here at If you cannot reach me by clicking on the E-mail word the address is site has now new and improved, such as an all sports chat room that is java enabled, a menu of every page on the bottom of every page which I call a hallway. A search area other than Alta Vista and Yahoo, and a speeder downloading time. If you like some of the pictures that where on this main page, they are now in the art gallery.

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The Usual Suspects

I am creating a Celeberty Death Match fan-fic. Click here to see the Celeberty Death Match fan-fic that I created.

Stories, Video Game Tips, Sports, and many other great things that you may love.

Love the Lego Mindstorms? click here to see the rockin' bot site

I am starting a stand-up comedy joke page if you want to sumit a joke click to this site and read the rules. Then you can e-mail me the joke.

Love NASCAR? Love designing cars with the paint kit in Sierra's NASCAR Racing 3? Click here to come to a website were you can share or get ideas to create a car.


NEW! Seen any extra-terristial beings? click here to tell me your sigtings.

NEW! The Otaku Multimedia site. click here

NEW! Sailor Moon RPG. click here

New! South Park Episode Summaries.

Pokemon Episode Summeries and Help.

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