انقذو فلسطين

رحمة الله على الشهداء الفلسطينيين
ولعنة الله على الصهاينه الكفره
ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله
ترقبو افتتاح مكتبة البرامج "التجارية والادارية "والكثير من المفاجأت السارة قريبا

Children's Killers

The four-month-old Iman Hejjo, killed by shrapnel on during an Israeli attack on Khan Younis


We are not asking you to take sides, For or against the Arabs, What we are doing is appealing to your sense of truth and justice, with a simple question: Is the Israel Soldier who shot and Killed the Palestinian child Mohamed Gamal Al-Dorra a civilized person? Does he realy want peace? Or is he just another blood-thirsty assassin; a professional killer taking a part in the genocide of a nation.