Before I start the story, I need to set it up a little.
First, there's a school here in Fresno named MacLane High School, and their marching band wears kilts, Full Parade Dress Kilts. I think their team name is The Highlanders, or something.
Second, you need to picture the way I look. I'm 6'1", about 240 lbs., have long brown hair half way down my back and a beard. And, on this particular night, I was wearing a big black Resistol (cowboy hat), Levi's, cowboy boots, a black leather vest and Ray Bans. I'm not sure, but I may have even been wearing my black duster. I looked pretty scary, even to someone who knows me.
OK, on that early spring night, I had a craving for some ice cream (a thing that happens on a regular basis). Me and my wife hopped in the car (which is a long white, lowered '65 Caddy, which may or may not have added to the reaction), and drove to the nearest Baskin Robbins, which just happens to be right down the street from MacLane High School. As we were pulling into the parking lot (a small shopping center lot), we see this young dude in full dress kilts, walking through the lot, coming from the far side, walking toward us on his way to MacLane.
By the time we parked the car and got out, he was about 50 feet from us. Something came over me, seeing him in those kilts, and being a diehard Highlander fan, I threw my fist in the air, and yelled, rather Kurgan-like, "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!" With kilts flying in the wind, he spun around and ran, at high speed, back in the direction that he came from. Well, I didn't expect that reaction. I swear I didn't mean to scare him. I though that he would see the humor in it, and either laugh or just ignore me. As somebody mentioned later, he must get Highlander ribbing all the time, if he goes around on the streets dressed like that. My wife thought it was mean, and that I was getting a little too obsessed with Highlander, but she still got a big laugh out of it. She said that she didn't think anyone in a dress could move so fast. REHEARSAL by Sara THE MUGGING by Hltuwig
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