Can't blame a girl for trying! These are my three FAVORITE Immortals, for obvious reasons!.

Welcome to Seacouver! We hope you enjoy your stay. There are lots of wonderful sites to visit. Why not send your friends a Postcard telling them of the amazing electrical storms you've seen. I recommend postcard nos. 172-174 or maybe send them one of your favorite Seacouver MAN.
First, we will start with The Seacouver Library. I am the librarian here, so make yourself at home. My own personal favorite is the Bat section. Please check it out BATTIE There is also a section just for us "voluptuous" know over size 12!!!! VOLUPTUOUS
Some citizens have encountered strange happenings. To accomodate them, there is now a non-fiction section: True Highlander Tales.
Afterwards, why not head over to The Dojo. The owner is a real looker, and his friends.....Well, why not check them out yourself by visiting the Highlander Hunks Gallery.
Are you interested in legends? Why not visit the Fanomethos Site.
If you don't have time to take the whole tour, please take a quick visit to Dragon Lady's Kinky Linky's. There you will find all the Highlander sites your little feet desire to visit.
Wandering around Seacouver will wear you out. I recommend a little bar not far from here, Joe's. Eventually, Everybody Come's To Joe's. If you're tired, go to the back of the bar and take a nap. SWEET DREAMS!
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NOTE: All links below are Highlander related.
On a serious note, please go to this site. This girl is missing. Maybe you have seen her. CRYSTAL
Links to other sites on the Web
Seventh Dimension FanFic Archive
The Clan MacFru
Harem Dancers
Comes A Horseman Sound Waves
Tessa's Highlander Page
Daire's Fanfic Refuge

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