Terramount Award

As with many homepages, Terramount has an award that is given out to
unique, creative homepages. The criteria is listed below.
1.) It must be creative. If you have a page about
new Congress plans or the best type of fertilizer, it isn't right for this
2.) It must be easy to view. (i.e. I don't get a
headache trying to read the writing against the background, there isn't so much
typing that your page is one big paragraph, and I don't get totally lost trying
to find my way around.)
3.) You must have been here at least once AND
earned this award. (There's no point of a Terramount award if you don't even
know what Terramount is. As for the latter, this is an award, something to be
earned. Therefore, if you didn't earn it, it shouldn't be on your page.)
You can either mail me your
applications, sign my guestbook w/ your homepage (no guarantees I'll see it that
way.), or if I come across an interesting site, it can earn an award w/out
(Good luck!)
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