Note this site is presently under construction, so some of the links may not work...and some might bring you to REALLY interesting places.

Hi! My Name is Aaron J. Coutu. I live In Pascoag, Rhode Island in the United States.
This site is the place to come to find out about me and my various interests.
For basic personal information about me, just head to About Me. You will find all sorts of information about me there.

I am serving on a committee appointed by the Town of Burrillville that will plan the building of a new library.  If you would like to find out what we are up to go the the Burrillville Library Building Committee.

For information about researching your family tree, about my research, and about some interesting web sites related to such research, check out Genealogy.

I was a student at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Rhode Island.  I graduated with my MLIS in December 1999.

Check out the home page for the Greenville Public Library.  I presently work there in the Children's Room and the Reference Department.

I also work at the Harmony Library.  It has a pretty interesting site, too.

For a sample of some of My Poetry, read through some of the stuff that I have posted on the site.

My Resume will take you to a page where you can check out my resume.  Duh!  If you are interested in hiring me, just contact me.  There is even a link for easy e-mailing!

For Information about PBeM (Play By e-Mail) Roleplaying Games that I am involved in including information about the characters I run, check out Role-Playing Games.

To see another site I helped disign, go to:
Greenville Public Library Children's Room:
As part of my job, at the Greenville Public Library, I design and maintain the Children's section of the Website.  I also write and design the Author of the Month pages.

Star Wars: Tatooine: It is a site that was created by an Internet/Writing Workshop that I ran at the Greenville Public Library.

  This website was designed by Aaron J. Coutu on September 5, 1999.
If you notice any problems with the site or just have some questions or comments, contact me.  E-mail is VERY welcome!
Last Updated on  July 20, 2000.